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chattin online

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Its kind of difficult to have any type of conversation when you know nothing about the other person & they also won't tell you anything about themselves. Are you sure she really doesn't like to talk about herself, or maybe she's just shy? Do you know anything at all about her? If I was you, I would find something about you to talk about. Like if your really into music, just start talking about the bands you like & stuff. Maybe she'll start opening up to you if you talk about something she might be interested in too. If that doesn't work, then its not really worth trying. Unless of course you want to continue talking to her even though you know nothing at all about her.

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no, actually i do know some of her and i find that she really likes to talk about recent happenings like what happened yesterday with her church (just an example). she is also kinda the busybody type. so sometimes i may ask about her friends...gossip about others with her(not negatively tho) hehe. however, the problem is these convo topics don't last long and we may stay online for very long. then i may to ask about her but she feels that the topic is boring.

ok from the previous replies, i got one tip. that's to talk about myself right then see if she can open up herself. anymore tips?

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You're right... it could be very difficult to find things to talk about with someone who doesn't tell you nothing about herself... but just think that she may be shy.. and most probably she still doesn't have full confidence in you.


So i suggest (that's of course if you really want to get to know her) that you start telling her about yourself.. things you like and things you don't.. try telling her about your hobbies.. where you like to hang out and what you like to do.. she'll get to talk.. at least she'll comment about the things you're telling her and this way you'll start, bit by bit, to know more about her and form some image of what she might be.. then you could tell her what you think of her and what you got to know.. and if she's interested then she'll sure want to tell you whether you're right or wrong in what you think of her..


And i'm not telling you that this is easy.. but then - again - it all depends on whether you really want to know her or she's just like any chat friend and you might as well talk to anyone else...

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