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My gf and I, have been together for 6 years. We loved each other but we had this problem for a long time. The problems are 1) i can't gain weight and 2) i can't finish my school. We engaged last Dec. and she broke up with me 3 months ago. We didn't have a fight during the brake up, she talked to me nicely and i understood it. She even told me that we could still communicate to each other by phone or sometimes go out. The thing is i always miss her and i want her back. Until now, we still phone each other at least once a week and yesterday we went to theatre to watch a movie.


Sometimes, i am confuse. I don't know if she just wants me as a "friend" or she just want me to improve and be responsible person. I'm also scared that one day if she start dating another guy. It will hurt me again.


Also, I don't know if i will cut the communication between us but i am just scared if i stop it, she probably lost her feelings to me.


Do you guys thinks that she just want me to improve and once i improve she will accept me again? Should i cut the communicatio between us? Any advices? I am alone and no friends to tell my problem.....



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yes, physically i can't gain weight. I am skinny guy. When we first date i weight 115 lbs and when we broke i am 125. So i start eating a lot after we broke up to prove to her that i am serious to change. Now, i am 131, i am 25 yrs old, 5'9 height.


Before she always force me to eat a lot and i always promise but i don't give much effort. Is not only my weight is the problem before we're planning to engage. I promised to her that i will finish my school but suddenly i didn't and i start working to save some money for the wedding.

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Well I dont think she left because of your weight, its just an excuse.


If your looking to add some weight, get some protein and work out, check out the "protein factory" they sell in bulk. they have different mixes.


dont do it for her or anyone else, if you do a program your doing it for yourself so you can feel confident about yourself.


A shallow woman will always see flaws!

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Dude, there is way more going on here than you are telling. You might be skinny and she doesn't like that and you may have flubbed up the school thing but, truth is, if those are the ONLY two things wrong then you aren't looking at everything or this chick is ca-razy. Try to look at the truth of what may be going on. From what you say she still wants to spend time with you. This could be one of two things, you take your pick. One, she still wants you but these minor issues are in the way (be wary of just jumping for that one because, although, it is easier, may be more hurtful in the long run, usually is) or she wants to be done with you but still has lingering, yet finalized, feelings for you. I suggest you take your time with this, force a period of time to figure out what, exactly, you want. If it turns out that gaining weight is a big thing for you, over time, than do it. The thing is, here, you need to see if you are acting for her or for you. Good luck though.

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