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He says "I Just Need Time to Think"


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I'm not going to lie. I can admit my many faults and screw-ups in this relationship. We had been together for two years. I broke up with him...wait for it...12 times. Thats just a guess though. But i have changed. And he knows that. I love him. 6 days ago he broke up with me for the first time. Well he said he needed "time to think". I am devastated, its been awful. I just don't know what it means. Does this mean it's completely over?

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It is sort of interesting that you broke up with him, but you seem more concerned with his possible breaking up with you. That being said, why did you break up with him, if I may ask? When someone breaks it off, the other person is hurt. Even if they start communicating again, it doesn't erase what happened quite so quickly. It could be that when you were broken up, it caused him to review things and when you are now back together, he feels differently about things - it is hard to go back into something with your full heart when you are afraid of getting hurt.


You mention that he broke up with you for the first time, implying that you have broken it off multiple times. I had a boyfriend who broke up with me twice. He did the "i don't deserve you thing" and it really hurt me. Finally, after two semi breakups and time went on I didn't want to go through the emotional roller coaster anymore. So instead of kind of seeing it heading towards him dumping me again, I dumped him.


I would say if you are breaking up with eachother more than you are together - then, yeah, its probably over

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I spent the last 8 months having my ex break up with me contansly.


You broke up with him 12 times. he has no trust in you, he doesn't believe anything you prob say anymore and you've prob made him feel like you really don't give a toss about him. Now he's (i'm sorry) seen sense and broken up with you and you feel devastated. well now you know how it feels. If you love this guy let him go because you don't deserve him.

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