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what's going on?


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so I met a guy on a night out about a month ago, he got his friend to ask me for my number and then we texted all the next week. he would often text first and would always reply.


we met up again on a night out a week later and were together all night and he came back to my flat and stopped over. he left the following afternoon. we spoke briefly that night but then not for a couple of days after it.


i suggested doing something he said we should and asked when was best for me but then when i texted him later that week he said he wanted an early night as he had work at 9 the next morning. the texting kind of trailed off on both ends until i saw him a week later and we kissed for a while out in a club.


I then saw him again last night and we were together all night again and i stopped over at his. he's very touchy feely and always has his arm around me and will do 'boyfriend-esque' things of kissing me on my nose or hugging me and holding my hand when we're laying in bed.


i don't know if i'm reading too much into it just wondered any opinions, perhaps from guys to what might be going on realllly!

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We can't read his mind. You're going to have to ask him if he has feelings for you and is interested in a relationship, or if it's a purely physical thing.


Being affectionate does not necessarily mean that he likes you. Only way to find out is to talk to him about it.

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Either he's taking it slow or he's not interested in a relationship. It's kind of a bad sign that you only ever meet at the club and end up having sex...


Either you can step it up and ask him to hang out doing something else or you can just ask him what he thinks about your relationship. Asking is the more direct and least confusing route... but if he continues to only see you in clubs or when there is alcohol involved, you have your answer as well.


I agree that affection does not equal emotion for many men. They just aren't wired that way...

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What you describe as "boyfriend-esque things" are actually just affection, and that's not neccessarily anything to do with relationships. I've done it with girlfriends, close friends, and reasonably casual encounters.


Some people just enjoy affection.

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he's very touchy feely and always has his arm around me and will do 'boyfriend-esque' things of kissing me on my nose or hugging me and holding my hand when we're laying in bed.


Well....if you're in bed and he's not jumping your bones, he's either being polite and waiting for you to make the first move....or he's gay.lol

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