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Should I give him My heart?

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Ok My story may be long but PLEASE give me advice! I need good advice so I dont get hurt! About a month ago I met these 2 guys Mike and Eric. They flirted with me and my best friend Melisa. In the beginning I was with Eric and Melisa was into Mike. Then I got into Mike and Melisa got into Eric so that night I talked to Mike and Melisa talked to eric. Mike and I fulled around and boy do I regret it. He was only using me for sex. But thank god I didnt give him it! Mike turned out to be an as* and Eric turned out to be a sweetheart and I regreted ever lettin eric go! Well a month later eric got a hold of me and told me he liked me and we talked. He seems like a sweetheart and tells me he would never cheat on a girl. Ha what a lie....Yesterday he made out with me when he has a girlfriend Ariel. But hes tellin me hes gonna break up with her and that he likes me alot. But the way I got hurt with Mike makes me think. He did ask me out last night but I told him no cuz he was goin 2 Cancun for a week, and I wouldnt be able to put up with the pressure of thinkin hes cheatin on me for awhole week! No way! But what makes me think he wouldnt cheat on me....The thing is I have a feelin if I dont give him my heart Ill regret it, but another part knows if I do Ill get hurt sooner or later! People are tellin me he is gonna use me for sex....im 14 and hes 17 by the way! I dunno I really wanna be with the kid! He seems so sweet and all...Maybe I should just talk 2 him and stuff and ask him not wat other people think......I wanna try with him...but I dont wanna get hurt plz help me

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to me mike and eric sounds the same. That's in my opinion.. and if i were u i wouldnt get involved with either of them. Eric could cheat on his own gf and why cant he do it to u? Well that's just my opinion on what kind of person he is,but its all up to u.Just make sure u make the right decision and dont get hurt in the end. Good luck.

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