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Rock bottom

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If you read wat i previous wrote then ignore it, i get the idea, its a mixture of a whole lot of thing that are getting you down, i must say, i think the best thing uve done so far is come on here and shared ur feelings. Now i know ive probably never been as low as u feel right now, but i know people who have, and they got through it, so you shud be able to too. if ur depressed ask a doctor for antidepressants. if u have a lot of thoughts, write them down, no matter what they are, or how much they hurt, its just a way to get them outk, plus u know that u always have enotealone to talk to.

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noone ever has nothing, it may seem like it, but its never that bad, ur just not noticing wat u do really have. which i cant list for u cos i dunno wat ur life includes, but, i know it might be hard, but just try and think of wat u have, ie family, friends, a computer, feelings, a brain even, anything u can think of even if its trivial, its still summit uve got.

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Tell us about your past please. Listen, you are 18. You have plenty of time to work out what you are going through. I was severly depressed, on drugs at 18. You have to find the positives, somewhere. Please seek some professional counseling. We are not qualified, but we can listen to what's going on your head, so work that keyboard until you break it.


We are here to listen my friend. I have read your posts and the advise you have given to others. Let us help you now.

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ok please tell us your problem you asked for help but you didnt say with what. i know this is over used and your gonna here it alot things do get better my theory is life is like a roller coaster if you get off at the low point you miss the rest of the ride. i have a plan on killing myself on my eighteenth birthday im still going back and forth on whether or not im gonna go through with it ive read your poems you have a gift use it you should write in your time of depressions you should just take a pen and a notebook with you and go sit and write until you have no more anger and other bad feelings


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hey rage...


Hi i really know that you are going through a lot, its obvious, or you wouldn't feel so hurt...

but im here for you and so is everyone else here at enotalone...You know sometimes it feels like too much and like nothing will get better but it isn't true, thats just all the bad things trying to win that are telling you that and you can't let them win, if they win then all the good lost. and its not supost to be that way.

I don't know you personally, but i do care and i will be there for you and im here to talk to when ever you need, or just want to talk.


I was in your shoes not more then a few days ago, cause of problems with my bf, and my dad is abusing me, and my best friend Michael is dead and his anniversery is comeing up...well but then i started talking to a really good friend here at enotalone, and other really good people i would like to call friends such as avman, and others.

well now me and this other person i have been talking to are like best friends, adn if it weren't for him, and those others. i would be dead now, and im looking back on that thinking, wow, im really glad i didn't do that, i didn't think i would find people that cared so much but i did...and you can too...

please take every moment your alive as a blessing, and thank god. don't do anything dumb, we're all here for you.

pm me anytime ok.

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Give it some time.. you have'nt exhausted all of your options yet. Its not fair to others. Give it 110%. If that does'nt work.. everyone knows you tried but failed... and its ok to go on to the afterlife.

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Well i guess it all started when my mum died. I became very depressed, Dr put me on anti deppresants. Bullied at school, stopped taking the medicine because people took the piss. Diddn't go to school for most of two yrs because of the bullies.


Went like this for many years, decided i'd make my dream of being a Marine come true- couldn't get in cos of asthma. Was unemployed for ages because i had a bad work record due to the depression.


Eventually passed my driving test, found a job, and someone who i thought really cared about me. Finally i had tasted how good life could be....


And now i have just lost them all....


I've got no-one, nothing

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its well odd that people say that eighteen years is only the beginning of someones life, only theyve already livedf over 6570 days, which is 157680 hours and that makes it 9460800 minutes so i dont reckon you can say thats a short amount of time. i can understand the prospect of like, compared to a 90 year old man thats a fraction but at the same iits like this persons life and matured to feel the way they do.


maybe if we understoud exactly what made you feel this way rage then i could understand, only when you say youve lost everything, isnt there always going to be something to hole onto even if it means holding onto yourself?


at the beginning of the post i was trying to show that it is a great deal of time someone could feel completely alone or unwanted, but im just curious as to what makes you feel so deeply hurt that you want to die? because despite it being over the amount i said that youve been alive i reackon id you calculated the time that was actually a negative experiance for you, its not as great as the good.


whats do you think?



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