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lies about calling back. what should i do?

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hi everyone. i'm having a small problem that seems like a huge one. my girl always lies about calling me back. this makes me very angry. it's like she doesn't even look forward to calling me. it's like she wants to pass time. i call her twice 2night. she hit the ignore button the first time, then didn't answer the second time. she must be sleeping. either way the point is that she told me she'll call back with no intention of doing so. is it ok to be angry or do u think i may be obsessed with having her attention? she's done this so many times it's making feel like giving up. i want 2 b with someone who is more than happy to hear from me. i talk 2 her about it but it does no good. i feel like i'm wasting my time. she never calls me anyway.

i would appreciate any advice.

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Hey Tymiko,

Look you dont have to put up with this crap from someone. If she wants to play games about not calling and hanging up and ignoring your phone calls..... let her play, but dont let her play ON YOU!

Listen, tell her about it! If she throws a fight, or gets all defensive, just tell her..... that you are a human being and you want to get something out of this relationship other than being put on ignore.

If you want to chat more, PM me!

Hope this helps!

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Well,I can see your very frustrated with this,I would say if you have already talked to her about this she should listen that you feel she dont want to talk to you and it makes you upset,Mabe she is busy or mabe she does not want to talk at that present moment but I dont understand why she wouldn't want to talk to you,Are you arguing?Is there more reasons then just this that mabe happening?The only thing I can say is tell her exactly how this makes you feel and that it makes you upset,If you dont think that there is any point in the situation then why be in it?I would say do what you feel is right GOOD LUCK pm me anytime if you need to talk

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If you've already talked to her about this, then doing so again isn't going to solve anything. It might just be that she feels like you're suffocating her. Stop calling her, and if she doesnt call you in a weeks time then you know something is up and its time to get rid of her.

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Thanks so much 4 hearing me out. Today will be the last time I'll call her 4 a while. Her house is in walking distance from mine, but i don't really feel as if i should go see her after what she did. I'll call her and tell her how it made me feel once more. This will be that last time i go over this with her. I'm gonna let her know it too. All i want is to feel appreciated as one should be. Is that so wrong?

yes, i know she has her life and has things to do, but she doesn't make the time or put forth any more effort than I do. I think the problem might be the fact that she thinks we'll be together as in marriage in the future. She feels secure, so she thinks anything she does now won't matter because "we'll always be together." I don't know why she thinks this. I used to be able to picture her as my wife, but that picture is fading. I should make it clear that i would leave her at any given moment and won't always be around. maybe that would change things...


We aren't having any problems together. This is the only problem i'm having with her.


I guess i'll take a break from her after today. Should I tell her or should i just stop showing up/ calling?


Thanks again for the replies.

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I wouldnt say anything. You want her to call you because she wants to, not because you're forcing her to. If you tell her you're not going to call, your almost forcing her to call you. Then you get your phonecall, but its not genuine. Just find something to do for the week, or sit at home, play videogames, and pretend you're too busy to call her. Im betting she calls in about 3days.

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