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Have you ever felt stuck?

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Have you ever felt stuck?


Have you ever had the feeling of coming home

and never feeling at home?


Have you ever had the feeling of being depressed

to come back to your apartment?


Have you ever had the feeling of being stuck in

some place where there is nothing for you?


Have you ever had the feeling that no matter how

hard you try, it will not get better?


Have you ever had the feeling that to get out of

here, you must work really hard, and hence be more depressed

at the thought of having no fun?


Have you ever had the feeling of coming to work, and

it feels like a black hole, sucking all the life out of you?


Have you ever had the feeling of longing for what you

had before, and realizing that you had it all then, and now,

you have nothing but the daily routines of earning money?


Have you ever had the feelling of wanting to run away,

move away from all of this, even if it was just a weekend?


Have you ever felt so beaten down, that you say to yourself,

at least I am breathing?


Have you ever felt so anxious at the things you can do to get

yourself out of this situation, only for not because the next

day, you feel too depressed to try to help yourself?


Have you ever felt stuck like this?

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Keep on pouring out your emotions. Don't hold anything back and don't cut yourself off from yourself or other people.


Just remember that there are people in this world who have gone through worse times than either you or I could imagine. If they could get through it, then both of us can.


I've been depressed for over a year, but I'm starting to come out of it. Slowly, though. Baby steps, baby steps.


If you really want someone to talk to I would encourage you to seek therapy/counseling. I wish I would've started it last year, instead of 8 weeks ago. Although I think that it doesn't matter when you start as long as you start. At least you're already in touch with what you're going through and trying to express that with other people. I numbed out with alcohol and drugs. Not a good thing because when I quit, I had to go through withdrawal plus all the emotions and thoughts I didn't want to confront.


Find someone, anyone that you can trust. You may be surprised to find that other people have experienced something similar to you.


Hang in there.

Take it easy.


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Hey Kungfu!


I know what you mean about feeling stuck. You know what? All of the pain that you're going through, will pay off for later. Trust me. This pain might seem endless, but eventually, as long as you keep on trying, knowing that you do have support from your family, friends, and peers, this feeling will go away. It's funny. I just responded to a post, kinda similar to yours.


I think that some days, we feel more jaded than others. Just keep in mind, "You are strong, and ultimately gain 'strength' from your weaknesses." Even if the place that you're currently in right now, is not the the 'dream life,' just realize that you are admirable for sticking through with your commitment. I don't personally think that I can handle what you're situation as calmly as you do. (You have a lot to look at and admire about yourself: your patience & perseverance) It's like telling an HB born Californian to go out and live in the Arctics, for a menial job that seems endless. I couldn't do it. So much props to ya!


Kungfu, also keep in mind, remember the person that you are. Remember the things that keep you 'alive'. Keep that in mind, and it will be your driving passion, your fuel for daily living! I'm serous. When things get monotnuous, it's important to remind yourself of who you are deep down inside: the core person, your true 'you'. Reflect back on your happy moments, those 'Kodak Moments.' Engage in activities that 'excite' you, or keep you alive. Hope that you will feel better! For goodness sakes! You're going to vacation pretty soon! Keep that in mind as well. Look forward to the things that help to 'reinforce' your rewards, which in turn, compensates for all of your hardwork! Take Care.




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Thank you everyone for listening.


Fantasia, you are right. I know you are right because you have gone through so much more. Thank you for your words of wisdom.


Fusionoflove, yes, I will not try to isolate myself. It is just so hard though moving to a small town, and everyone can just sense you don't belong somehow. I just met someone today that feels the same way I do, so that was a plus I guess. I hope to hang out with her somemore, although she will be leaving in October.


Viola and under_the_pressure - I hope you guys are doing good. Thank you for your comments. I guess we all feel this way sometime in our lives. It just gets so hard sometimes that you just need to vent or else it will just eat you up. I'm glad enotalone is here as a safe place to vent where no one will judge. I hope you guys will do the same when you feel like this.


Mahlina - thank you so much for your encouraging words. You always know what to say to someone who is down in the dumps. enotalone made a wise decision for its members, and humanity in general to make you a royal member. I hope someday, you will be amply rewarded for all your compassion and efforts. You are just plane a wonderful human being.


Take care everyone. May your angels look over you wherever you go.

Kung fu

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