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She wont tell me whats wrong (im sorry its kinda longish)

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Hey everybody,

i havent posted here in a while cuz things have been going pretty good with me, until now...well the thing is my g/f suffers from severe depression (there is a story behind it but its pretty long, if you wanna know it check some of my eariler posts) and because of it she cuts herself, on the outside she doesnt seem that way, cuz she is always so kind and such a good student and such (you get the idea). well about a month ago she told me that she loved me (and I her), but since then she hasn't said it again, and that kinda makes me wonder, and lately she has seemed to close herself off to people that a close to her. as some of you might be wondering, "ya, so, she loves you, whats wrong?" well, for her to say that she loves someone means that she has a very high level of trust, BUT, i kinda wonder about that cuz she wont tell me whats wrong, and all of her close friends can see that something is bothering her. we kinda think that is has something to do with scars, so she cant wear the clothes that she wants, cuz she doesnt want ppl to know about her depression. and i dunno, this kinda doesnt all make sense, im really confused and worried, like one day she will be really happy and not want to leave my side, and other days she wont want to be around me. we (her close friends that know about her depression) want to take her to a doctor, or something, BUT the problem is that she hates the school counsellor, her parents dont seem to care (or think that it is a phase that she will grow out of) and im afraid that if we go to a psychologist that she will get angry and such, and dump me and junk like that, and i really dont know what to do. I hope somebody can help me with this

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i would suggest sitting down with her and telling her this, tell her how you are feeling and worring about her (even if you already have) tell her you still love her cause sometimes when i get bad depression it doesn't matter if i know my bf loves me, i just feel like he doesn't you know?

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Cutting is never a good thing, I've done it many times and I've always needed help stopping. Recently since it has gotten warmer outside, I've been wearing short-sleeves. I've gotten a lot of looks, and my exscuses don't seem to cover the "cross shaped" scar on my shoulder. I could understand how she would feel, it's like having your emotions exposed to the rest of the world, it's almost like asking for judgement. (Sorry if I'm rambling) But my point is, if she can't stop herself, you should go to a REAL councellor. School councellors suck majorly. I go to a councellor myself and I find it easier to just sit there and talk to her about my problems. Depression isn't fun, and many of us struggle with it but most of us can't face it alone.


Good Luck,


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Could she have been doing drugs without your knowledge. Anyway depression is not normal and not seasonal either. It could have not been drugs or just something that really traumatize her that would make her act differently. If that had been going on for more than a month I would recommend or at least find away to get some phsycological help. If she does spit you out. I'm pretty sure that she knows what you've done for her and she'll have you back. But for know comfort her talk to her all the time for their minds to not wander around. They need someone to be there with them. I've been here before and I'm out.

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