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Feeling a little bit of everything

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School has been a little bit overwhelming for me. It is really stressful for me too. I have an individual paper and a group project to do which I need to do researching for. And one thing that I hate the most about school is doing research. I never know the exact terms to use when I do my researching. Sometimes I spend too much time on one class and neglects to do work for other classes.


Job hunting is even worse. I am supposed to be looking for jobs, because my parents and I are in a financial crisis right now, but the economy is so bad; that I am just about to give up on it. My parents have been putting so much pressure on me to find a job and to get good grades at the same time, that I feel like I no longer have a life outside of that.


I am also trying to understand the how guys work and how their minds work. In school, I learn that society have teach guys to internalize their feelings at an early age and it takes an tremendous effort for guys to express their feelings. That is one thing that I am trying to understand and hopefully after I understand that, it will be easier for me to figure guys out. Guys are really complicated to me, in the sense, that they internalize their feelings, in the way that some of them would really want a relationship with someone else on their terms, in the way that they come and go in your way as they please etc.


I have three close guy friends. One is interested in me; he has dated me before and is emotionally unavailable, but does not think that we are compatible, and is trying to backtrack to how we used to be. He has come and go out of my life as he pleases, wants a relationship with me on his terms etc. Another one is also interested in me, but I am really pissed off at him at the moment because he stood me up this morning (after telling me how much he wants to see me the day before), I was really looking forward to spending time with him too. Another one said that he loves me, but is about to become a father in three months. He is technically my boyfriend. All three of them have been there for me for the past few years or so. Now I know that all three of them cares about me genuinely, as a friend or more than that.


I have gotten myself into this guy drama and I do not know how to get out of it. I think I have feelings for all three of them, meaning I care about all of them and might even like all three of them, I know what I must do; pick one or drop all three of them. Knowing the person that I am, I am probably not the kind of person to cut all three guys out of myself, I mean its true that "only you know yourself best" right?


It has been five months since my last relationship and I am still not sure if I have successfully moved on over him. I still remember his phone number, wants to call him once in a blue moon, have this tight feeling in my chest when I get reminded of our memories together, yes it still hurts when I get reminded of our memories together. Gosh, how much longer will it take for me to get over him?


God, my life is such a mess, is their even a way that I could straighten this out?

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WHOA....first thing...you can only handle one thing at a time. Perhaps between struggling with school and seeking employment a relationship should be put on the back burner for now. Especially since all three of these guys sound useless to me based on the information you provided. One is taking advantage of your time and you're allowing him to pick you up and drop you like a hot potato. The other stood you up (therefore you dont mean that much to him) and the third is going to be a father soon. DO NOT get involved with that at this point in your life. Put your focus solely into school right now and let your parents see how hard you are looking for a job. Explain to them that we are im the middle of a recession and we're all having a hard time because of it. Its not your fault. oh...and you'll probably NEVER understand the male mind as they will never understand ours completely!!! Good luck and slow down!

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