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Crazy damn kids....

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So, apparently the pet door isnt just for pets, it's for Landon's too. While at his daddy's house, Landon followed the cat right out the kitty door. Little diapered butt disappeared outside like he does it all the time.


Landon is also fascinated with my big kitchen trashcan. He threw away my TV and DVD player remotes this weekend.


And then to prove just how smart he is at almost 14 months, he toddles up to the DVD rack, takes a DVD out, opens it, gets the disc out, toddles over to the DVD player, pushes the button to open the tray, puts the disc in, pushes the button to close it and then turns around at smiles at me. I was dumbfounded. He put all that together on his own. It would have been perfect if "Deep Throat Darla" hadnt started playing.

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So, tell me about your crazy babies!! I love to hear funny kid stories!!


Aidan opened up his sister's little bottles of lotion and decided to give my sheets a rubdown.


Jade threw the Direct TV remote into the alley, haven't seen it since.


Matthew and Kayleigh decided to sled down the stairs in laundry baskets.


Aidan, thought the dirtly plunger would be a cool thing to have sitting next to him while watching cartoons.


Jade doesn't like her baths without bubbles, so if the bubbles disappear, she'll empty shampoo, conditioner and anything else that is in a bottle into the tub.


Pitchers of water are fun when they have been thrown onto the bathroom floor.


Jade's very artistic. She drew a lovely picture on my television screen with a pink crayon. Thank you, Jade it's a lovely picture.

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It would have been perfect if "Deep Throat Darla" hadnt started playing.


Ba-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!! OMG, that is classic Cat! Time to child-proof the DVD selection!


It really is amazing what they grasp so early. Littlepants will do something and I stand there with my mouth hanging open like, "Did you really just do that?!?!" hehe


The garbage pail obsession, oh yes, I know that one well. I fear that is where my missing watch ended up going. LP is 19 months now and we seem to be seeing a change that she will only put garbage in the garbage now... but who knows what else she stuffs in there when we aren't looking!


Too cute Cat, Landon sounds like a little corker! And it only gets better!!

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LMAO!! Metro, I LOVE your babies!!! They are hilarious!! That was so sweet of Jade to draw you a pretty picture on your TV. I've tried to get Landon into drawing with crayons and I got him some big sidewalk chalk crayons too and we go out and draw on the sidewalks. Last weekend his sister stayed with me and we were outside drawing on the sidewalks. She looks up and says "oh my god, Landon's lips are blue". I turned around and there is my beautiful boy, chewing the hell out of a blue piece of sidewalk chalk. His tongue, lips, chin and cheeks were blue. **sigh**

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Ba-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!! OMG, that is classic Cat! Time to child-proof the DVD selection!


It really is amazing what they grasp so early. Littlepants will do something and I stand there with my mouth hanging open like, "Did you really just do that?!?!" hehe


The garbage pail obsession, oh yes, I know that one well. I fear that is where my missing watch ended up going. LP is 19 months now and we seem to be seeing a change that she will only put garbage in the garbage now... but who knows what else she stuffs in there when we aren't looking!


Too cute Cat, Landon sounds like a little corker! And it only gets better!!


Yes, I'm going to have to be a little more careful with the porn. lol


They learn and mimic us so much, it just floors me. He does stuff out of the blue that just amazes me.


And the trash can...he has thrown away dozens of toys and I never even knew it. When I dug through the trash to get my remotes I found one of his stuffed animals and 4 of his refrigerator alphabet magnets. Now I know where the magnets are going. He started out with 30 magnets and now only has a5 or 6. He has secretly been throwing the rest in the garbage.

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LMAO!! Metro, I LOVE your babies!!! They are hilarious!! That was so sweet of Jade to draw you a pretty picture on your TV. I've tried to get Landon into drawing with crayons and I got him some big sidewalk chalk crayons too and we go out and draw on the sidewalks. Last weekend his sister stayed with me and we were outside drawing on the sidewalks. She looks up and says "oh my god, Landon's lips are blue". I turned around and there is my beautiful boy, chewing the hell out of a blue piece of sidewalk chalk. His tongue, lips, chin and cheeks were blue. **sigh**


Yes, chalk appears to be quite tasty to the little ones.


I could probably fill page after page after page with their antics. I'm really suprised I still have all my hair.

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Yes, chalk appears to be quite tasty to the little ones.


I could probably fill page after page after page with their antics. I'm really suprised I still have all my hair.


Ack. Speaking of hair...I've got GREY hairs now!! I didnt have them prior to my little man making his entrance, but now the damn things seem to be multiplying rapidly. And I've found that the older Landon gets, the more grey hairs I'm finding. God help me.

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Oh my, the repetition... that one is scary. I was just telling Longpants we need to start REALLY watching what we say last night! I was changing Littlepants and Daddy (playing a video game on his computer) says, "Oh that is just gay, gay, gay!" From the changing table below me I hear, "gay, gay, gay!" in a little toddlers voice. Greeeeeat! LOL Time to start censoring Daddy!!


The other one that Littlepants has been doing lately: She loves to help, any chores I have she is right there "helping". So she helps me feed the cat every night when we get home. BUT she has decided the kitty litter is the same as the cat food. She'll reach into the cat box and pull out a big handful of cat litter and dump it in the food dish. Eeeeew! Then the cat looks at me like, "What the freek is this?" hehe


She has also discovered licking. And on top of that the fact that Mommy freaks out when she tries to lick certain things, it's like a game to her. She'll try to lick the phone (gnarly), the dog (nasty), the cat (even nastier), the carpet (how's all that pet hair taste honey?), and then she giggles as I fall all over myself trying to get her to stop. She's a little troublemaker!


Metro, great kiddo stories! Thanks for the giggles! They sound oh so familiar!!


I'm just hoping I don't get too much payback from me being such a handful when I was little. I used to suck the juice out of magic markers, I ate a bug coil, if I couldn's stuff it up my nose or in my ear, I ate it. We knew all the emergency room people on a first name basis and my Mom bought ipicac syrup by the case. I have ALL the respect int he world for my parents.... and I'm really glad they didn't just accidentally on purpose leave me at the department store. LOL

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I'm just hoping I don't get too much payback from me being such a handful when I was little. I used to suck the juice out of magic markers, I ate a bug coil, if I couldn's stuff it up my nose or in my ear, I ate it. We knew all the emergency room people on a first name basis and my Mom bought ipicac syrup by the case. I have ALL the respect int he world for my parents.... and I'm really glad they didn't just accidentally on purpose leave me at the department store. LOL


All of this is what I fear my sweet little boy is headed towards. He is all boy, meaning that he is the happiest when he's outside, naked and covered in dirt, playing with the bugs and chewing on rocks and mulch. blech! He will pick up a rock/flower/piece of dirt/whatever and look at me dead in the eye, then stick whatever it is in his mouth and watch my reaction. Is this a normal thing for them? He bases his actions on how I react. So, if he sticks a rock in his mouth and I ignore it, he will spit the rock out and find something else to do. But if I make a big deal about it, he stuffs 5 rocks in his mouth. Same with catfood, bugs, grass, clumps of cathair, leaves, pieces of dirt and so on.


So, is this a phase where he is testing me?


Ack...crazy damn kids!

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Oh, beads in the nose, how could I have forgotton that?


My daughter yells for me to come downstairs, Jade has a plastic bead stuffed up her nose. She's getting ready to haul Jade off to the doctor, not to worry grandma to the rescue.


I sat her on the counter and got the bead out within a few seconds.


Why does everything go in the nose?

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Oh, beads in the nose, how could I have forgotton that?


My daughter yells for me to come downstairs, Jade has a plastic bead stuffed up her nose. She's getting ready to haul Jade off to the doctor, not to worry grandma to the rescue.


I sat her on the counter and got the bead out within a few seconds.


Why does everything go in the nose?


Ack...please Landon dont discover that you have a nose!!!!

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Ahh, yuppers, the "testing" phase. Littlepants is heavy into this now. That and the "No!" stage. She will stick anything that will fit (and some things that don't) in her mouth, and like you said, stare right at me like it's a challenge. The latest addition has been putting her mouth on the handles to our kitchen cabinets. If I take her off one, she goes right to the next, if I ignore it, it's not so much fun and she gives up. The hardest part is not laughing at her most of the time. I don't want her thinking that she can get away with this stuff, or that doing these nasty things is ok just to get a rise out of people.


Just wait for the "No!" phase is hot and heavy. As of last night, Littlepants has added attitude to her No's. I had to bite my tongue to not laugh hysterically. I asked her if she wanted to take her shoes off and she replied with her usual "No!" and then popped this pose with a little tilt to her head and a look on her face like, "Whatcha gonna do about it?" I just about died! She is gonna be a HANDFUL, I see it already, a stubborn streak a mile wide in that one!!

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Oh boy, she is really going to be a handful, you got that right! lol


I screwed up the other night. Landon was drinking milk, and I made a silly face at him and he busted out laughing and spit milk everywhere. That made me bust out laughing and ever since then, every time he takes a drink of something he blows a "raspberry" and spits it out everywhere. I should never have laughed!!


How do you stop yourself from laughing at the crazy stuff they do?? ](*,)

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Oh, beads in the nose, how could I have forgotton that?


My daughter yells for me to come downstairs, Jade has a plastic bead stuffed up her nose. She's getting ready to haul Jade off to the doctor, not to worry grandma to the rescue.


I sat her on the counter and got the bead out within a few seconds.


Why does everything go in the nose?



hahahaha!! I had forgotten all about those!! Remember the pop-beads they used to have in the 70's? I have no idea if they are still around but I stuffed like 4 of those up each nostril and my Mom tells the story, "I had Shortpants on the couch and was tickling her and suddenly noticed flashes of pink in her nostrils..." Much time spent with a pair of tweezers and eventually another trip to the local ER and all the beads were out.


I also had one of those Betsy Wetsy dolls that you could feed and it piddled in its diaper... Well... crayons happened to fit perfectly in all of her "openings". Needless to say my Betsey Wetsy ate all the crayons that fit on her mouth, and when I ran out of room, we moved to the other end. Poor Betsy Wetsy.

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hahahaha!! I had forgotten all about those!! Remember the pop-beads they used to have in the 70's? I have no idea if they are still around but I stuffed like 4 of those up each nostril and my Mom tells the story, "I had Shortpants on the couch and was tickling her and suddenly noticed flashes of pink in her nostrils..." Much time spent with a pair of tweezers and eventually another trip to the local ER and all the beads were out.


I also had one of those Betsy Wetsy dolls that you could feed and it piddled in its diaper... Well... crayons happened to fit perfectly in all of her "openings". Needless to say my Betsey Wetsy ate all the crayons that fit on her mouth, and when I ran out of room, we moved to the other end. Poor Betsy Wetsy.


God, you were a terror! You're going to be hit hard by some karma! lol I cant wait to see what else your daughter has in store for you! hahahaha

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How do you stop yourself from laughing at the crazy stuff they do?? ](*,)


Honestly, sometimes I can't. Most of the time I have to just turn away so she can't see me smiling or stifling a giggle. It's so hard to say "No" and be convincing when you are laughing. LOL I usually have to take a second to compose a straight face, then go back to correcting. Other times there is no way I can keep a straight face, so I just let fly and laugh with her. We are going to have lots of chances to work on things over the years, I'm not going to worry about laughing at her when I should be scolding her right now. It may come back to bite me in the hiney later, but dayum, sometimes you just can't help it!!

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HAHA.....and you were just talking about baby fever.. Go ahead smartypants, go for number 2. Then all your fun will be multiplied by 2. LOL


I know, I'm just asking for it, aren't I? hehe Maybe if I have another, they will occupy each other and keep themselves out of trouble?


YEAH RIGHT!!! And monkeys are going to fly out of my butt right now!



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Yes, I'm going to have to be a little more careful with the porn. lol


They learn and mimic us so much, it just floors me. He does stuff out of the blue that just amazes me.


And the trash can...he has thrown away dozens of toys and I never even knew it. When I dug through the trash to get my remotes I found one of his stuffed animals and 4 of his refrigerator alphabet magnets. Now I know where the magnets are going. He started out with 30 magnets and now only has a5 or 6. He has secretly been throwing the rest in the garbage.

I have the same exact problem with our fridge magnets. They're probably all in the trash. We had the whole alphabet and now we have like 5 letters.

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I have the same exact problem with our fridge magnets. They're probably all in the trash. We had the whole alphabet and now we have like 5 letters.


Yes!! What gets me is that I didnt even know it. It makes me wonder what else he's been throwing away that I didnt know about.

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