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Zoning OUt, CHanging around certain situations?


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Being stuck in a depressed mode, or non thinking, unaware mode. Unresponsive, zoned out, personality.

Basically I find myself, stuck in these patterns of thinking, and literallly i go into them and cant get out and go on living this way for long periods of time.

Lately though i had been feeeling different...maybe more like myself, energized, passionate, searching, engaging with life.....But it only took a few small interactions with people, that hurt me and began to bring me down....that i slipped back into a down cycle. Its like I went from feeling this new me inside, more like an old me, a real me, back too this, unaware detached person who is lost in a depressive cycle. I mean i literally small my thoughts change, from whats this do...this is interested....i am into life.....TO....fuzzzz, and negativity, very unengagued socially.

An d i am very sensitive and people do affect me alot, wish they didnt sometimes, and i feel like i have been really hurt by people inn the past, and this is what happens when i get hurt.

Any advice or comments would help, and anyone who thinks they know any termanology that might help me in investigating this would help, i dont reallyl know the words i am looking for or terms when i am trying to look this up...but i understand it is a common theme that victims of abuse or trauma expericence..THANKS

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