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Hey, there are these tow girls at my school and I like both of them. The one I have liked for longer has a boyfriend now and I told her i like her and I asked her if she cared if I liked her and she said yes. Also I said well you shouldn't because you have a boyfriend and she said just because I'm not going out with you dosn't mean I dont like you and she also said well you never know me and him might break up soon. And then she concludes with well I can't tell you who to like. The other girl I like isnt going out with anyone but I barley know her and me and the other girl have been friends for almost two years and we flirt all the time . So my question is should I go out with the new girl or wait for the girl with a boyfriend to go out with her??

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Wow, thats a tough one.


I had a friend in that sort of situation once:


He liked a girl and she liked him, but the girls best friend liked him as well. In the end both of the girls came to an agreement not to fall out over it no matter who dated him and how that relationship turned out.


Im not sure if this will help, i certainly hope it does.


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