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where the best place to meet girls and how to approach them

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hi i was wondering where are the best places to meet girls and how do i approach them? if i see a nice girl all i do at the moment is look and wish i could be with someone like that.


i am not a very confident person and wouldn't know what to say.


please anyone!


thanks in advance

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Ask yourself this: "If I wasn't afraid, what would I do?"


Usually, some very logical things will come to mind about how you can deal with a situation, in this case strike up a friendly conversation with someone you don't know, but that looks nice. Once you know what it is you would do, examine why you're afraid to do it - usually, it's because we're afraid we'll get shot down by the other person. Well, guess what...usually, you WON'T get shot down, unless the person is very rude and has no manners, in which case you would not sink to their level but just very graciously leave the conversation and move on to someone with a better attitude.

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Well, start with


Hi [actually smile at them]

My name's robmeeks

How are you?


From your profile there it says your 18? Are you in college or going to be starting it? If you are tell them what college you go to. How about what you want to major in, and why. Dont do all the talking, let them respond to you, if they tell you somthing about themselves ask a question.

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