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break up after 3 days

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Hey guys i think its great that people can get together and talk like this, i've just recently brocken up with my girlfriend, it was sort of a mutral dicionsion but i was just going along with it to make out i didnt care, but deap down i do, she says she still loves me but not enough to have a relasionship, it was 3 nights ago and i called her yestuday and talked on the phone for over a hour we were together for 2 years and she just said that she doesnt want a relasionship anymore.. i dont no wat to do im, keeping my distance but i just want things to be back the way they were

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If you feel sad, it's natural.


You have shared 2 years of life with someone so special to you and now they are away. All the things you guys did together, all the moments, there can be no more.


When one person quits the relationship there really is nothing you can do. You can try convincing the other person to work out the issues they have, but you will quickly find out if they really want to or not.


Nothing we can do on the end of the dumpee. Try your best to not look desperate for them back, no matter how hard it is.

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Buddy 3 years in a realtionship and I am going through this. This is EXPERIENCE talking... DO NOT BEG FOR HER TO COME BACK. In fact let her initiate all contact. I know you will be thinking what if I miss an opportunity to get her back, it is not the case. No contact will be soo good for you too but hard. Right now the ball is in their court and they made a decision and they will see the decision through. Raider said it best they have to hit rock bottom and totally realize you were right for them, so brace yourself this could be a long journey. Do not try to over-analyze everything she does, man I know how I was after 3 days and this advice sucks, but keep yourself busy and do not contact her at all.


Good luck man

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I am in the exact same boat as you man, after 2 years she "didnt want to be in this relationship anymore" yet she still wants to remain friends. Just like everyone has said, do not contact her at all, let her do that. She might start getting worried as to why you suddenly are not calling her anymore. Also, when you stop calling her it gives her time to see what she is missing, and it also shows her that you may have changed the clinginess on her that may have caused the break up...hope this helps.

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cheers guys. well she rang me today for the first time and we chatted as if nothing had really changed i smsed her last night but im going to make sure i dont do anything like that again, she also said that she will call me tomorrow, we have a dog together and it needs to go to the vets on wednesday so i'll see her then as well.. i dont get this hey. its as if nothings changed, why does she still want to call me ect, if she doesnt want to be together ?

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She's in the initial stages of the breakup. They all seem to go through this. At least in my case it was like we were still together for awhile afterwards. It might change if you start pressuring her or start NC. But NC is supposed to be a good thing remember.


But you were together for 2 years. You have a strong bond. I think you have a better chance than I do. Read Morrigans repost of the NC guide. If I can offer you any tips it's to find out what was wrong with the relationship and fix it. (And while your at it fix about 10 other things that will surprise her.) If it's something you can fix then you CANT, I repeat, CAN'T let her know that you're fixing it for her. Better yet if you don't ask her. Say she thought you were immature (just an example). If you work on your maturity and she discovers that you've changed without her asking or hinting, she'll think that thats who you really are. But if you make changes because she mentions it or you try and show her or tell her you've changed she will view this change as ungenuine.


There's a difference between changing because you love them, and changing just because you want them back, and they will almost always assume the worst.


Good luck.

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hey guys, just a update im talking to her online now after talking to her on the phone last night again, it seems as if things are better, the only difference is i know i cant ask her to come round or vise versa its good like this, but i do want more and i want to allow her the freedom she needs if i keep it cool like this let her do wat she likes do you think she will come back cause im getting the vibes that she doesnt want to fully end she just wants to make a statment

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