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I do my best


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when it comes to living in today..I do my best

when I feel tired, sick and lonely..I do my best

when progress is barely perceptible..I do my best

when I'm on top of the world..I do my best

when there's a need I can fulfill..I do my best

when I'm feeling surrounded by adversity..I do my best

when good fortune smiles upon me..I do my best

when I'm feeling good for nothing..I do my best

when my positive energy is soaring..I do my best

when I don't know where I am..I do my best

when I am inspired and confident..I do my best

when the day is dreary and gray..I do my best

when everything goes wrong..I do my best

when I wonder what to do..I do my best

when I question my choices..I remember I've done my best

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