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I Don't Know How to start this so I'll just jump right in-


One of my (guy) friends, started to like me, and told me this, and later asked me out, I said yes, as I liked him too... for the first couple of days he acted like we were going out, but after that, he hardly paid attention to me... last wednesday, after a month we broke up, well he never told me this, but told one of my friends when she asked that we weren't going out...which, it wasn't the end of the world, I figured I'd be ok...and I was for the most part, I didn't mind being around him at all, but he couldn't stand to be around me...which, I got over pretty fast...until...


The day after we broke up, he asked out my best friend...she asked me to make sure I didn't mind, and I told her the truth that it hurt me a lot, but I wanted them to be happy so go for it and better luck to her... this really bothered me, I cried and felt so upset over it, even though before, I hadn't felt anything for him, I feel better now, but it still hurts me...


To top it all off, my best (guy) friend, told me he loved me today, and really wants to be with me, even tho he is going out with another one of my bff's...


I'm not sure what I was asking of you people, maybe just to listen to me...thanks

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Well that was very considerate of your friend to ask you first. It was also very mature of you to let them because you want them to be happy. I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. It must really hurt. That guy just seems like a jerk to me anyways & you know you can do much better. About this other guy, if he's dating your friend, you shouldn't allow him to say that stuff to you. I'm sure it would hurt you a lot if you had a boyfriend who kept telling your friend he liked her & stuff. It kind of did happen to oyu also & you realize how much it hurts. So just remember your friends in this, not the guys. Don't let a guy come between your friendship because its just not worth it.

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