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small back ground first, ex and I were together for 2 years, we split after a lot of drama, but after months of nc started talking again, ONLY as friends and very infrequently, we both have feelings for one another but know it wouldnt ever work out..to much hurt from both our sides


My dilemma is that I am with an amazing woman now, and I love her to death, we have a very healthy relationship.. So when I logged into my facebook this morning I see a friends request from my ex..my current girlfriend is on my facebook, and I think it would bother her especially knowing what that relationship was like for me..she would never tell me no to accepting, but at the same time I wonder if it would be disrespectful of me to accept, I will approach my girlfriend and ask her about it but wanted other POV's first

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IMO, I believe you should respect your girlfriend and not do it. With that being said like your girlfriend I would never tell my SO to not accept someone as a friend just because they had a past together. I think until your feelings are completely gone for her you should not accept it. Who contacted who?

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she contacted me..I havent spoken with my SO...but I have spoken with my ex..she sent a message saying "you dont want to be my friend" i said its not that at all..its that im on the fence, am i disrespecting my girlfriend by accepting..or do i upset you by saying no and run the risk of you not speaking to me...like I said I do have feelings for her, not in a way that would make me want to leave my girlfriend for her, but enough to obviously be conflicted by it

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