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Dear God,


I'm really struggling, once again with acceptance and connection in my life. I feel isolated, rejected and excluded by others. I feel inferior to others and stuck in this place.


I pray for healing and a breakthrough in my social life. I pray that you would provide me with love, acceptance, support, connection, ...and true friends.


With my roommates, I pray that you would bring about reconciliation and amends. Break down the wall that separates us, dear Lord. Cause us to connect and appreciate each other. Shine light on the situation and deliver me from their scrutiny.


I'm feeling overwhelmed with all of this now that I don't want to specifically address any more items, but you know what they are and I pray that you would begin the work of healing now. Guide me, open the way, work on their hearts, bring me to truth, redeem the situation.


I speak Healing over my life right now. I speak, in your name, Light and Love into my life in this moment. I speak New Opportunity, New Life, Strength, Confidence and Hope over my life today. Begin a new work in me today, Lord. Heal me today, Lord. I give all of these things to you and ask for your kindness in my life.


Thank you. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You are free

You can be You

You don't have to hold back

You don't have to feel trapped


I've put my love in you

You can spread it all around

Let the light burn bright

Only dimming will make you frown


You don't have to walk on eggshells

Or cater to everyone anymore

Your soul is free; remember that

You're free, you're free you're free

You only have to turn the key

It's there, it's yours for the taking!


You are free

No, don't turn back now

Hold on to this truth

and run with it fast


I've shaken you awake

Now don't go back to sleep

It's yours, it's there

Keep yourself awake and aware aware aware



*I had a typical Monday, worked and was tired. There were earthquakes yesterday and aftershocks that woke me in my sleep. In that respect it was not a normal Monday. But I worked hard and was tired and a bit overwhelmed. I wanted to go home and sleep and zone out. Instead I stopped by a self-help meeting and was inspired to pray. I prayed for breakthrough, healing, opportunity, change in my circumstances, provision of supportive friends and relationships that raise me to my higher self. I committed to do my best to stay present and grounded and to Look for the opportunities and provisions. I left and felt motivated for change. I felt inspired to go to the gym and listen to worship music while on the treadmill (I've done neither in years). I was so inspired, I ran for a full hour and I hardly even get off my butt to walk around during the day. The worship was so inspirational and I mouthed the lyrics as I sang them in my heart and ran. I continued to feel inspired as I came home. I felt as though a weight had been lifted and that I wasn't worried about my concerns with the relationships in my life as I normally am. I felt liberated and free to live from my heart and share openly with others with JOY...yes, I feel joy. So, as I close this night, I wanted to capture this day, this freedom and as I felt in my heart, I need to know that it is mine for the taking, and mine for the keeping. It's time to shift and hold fast to this new found freedom and continue to ride it out.


It is not over today. I can pick up where I left off tomorrow. I can ask the universe, "what next?" and allow destiny to direct my course.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Lord, some of my initial response/provision has withered. Friends that were poking up are not following through. Keep me aware, alert and learning, Lord. I hold on and am pressing in for what I asked for. Refill me, refresh me and bring along my provisions. Teach me, train me, and bring along my provisions! Leave me not in want Lord. I'm seeking an invigorating live, not one of survival and stagnation. Help me to rise above. Cause me to rise above. Bring me the opportunities, Lord. I chose to wake up. I chose to move forward. I trust you. I put all my hope in you and know that you are calling me to be free and to fulfill my heart's desire, which is my very purpose. I will hold fast and let you move me forward. Love and blessings.

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  • 1 year later...

Dear God and Universe,


Be with me. Don't leave me. I pray that You would break this barrier over my life. I want to be free. I keep hitting this wall. What do I need to heal? What in my life is supporting my healing and what in my life is hindering it? I'm getting the feeling that my therapist is not able to support me in my healing. Do I need to be patient or is this a bad fit? Lord, show me the way of healing in my life. I pay for ease and gentleness, simplicity and brevity for this healing to come. Thank you for [bf]. We both need a lot of healing. I pray that you'd bless him with peace, love and safety in his life. Help him to achieve his goals. Lord, I pray for more friends and connection in my life. I need the ability to be real around others who I respect and have an appreciation for. Show me how to become vulnerable and maintain my dignity and self-respect. Stabilize me Lord I pray. I pray for a breakthrough in my support system and in finances and my emotional/mental health. Let me feel your support. Let me see your provision. Thank you for your kindness. Please save me. Please save me. Please save me. Love, ...

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