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Cops Fireman and Girls...

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I'm curious here and I've always wondered about this:


Why do some women seem to have this 'attraction' so to speak towards men in positions of authority and danger such as that of being a cop or firefighter?..is it the risktaking involved, the showing of authority or what?..or do they not do this at all..do they just want the man to be financially stable and there for them in the future when they need him?


Just curious what do you guys think? Hope this isn't too stupid of a topic



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I'm going to be guessing here since I'm not a female.


It's kind of natural for women to fall for those types of guys because it takes a brave/courageous guy to put his life on the line to save people. It's a pretty selfless thing to do and women see it as a big turn on.


Woman logic is so hard to understand..


But yeah, firefighter/cops can be interesting people and have good stories to tell about their job too. Talking about drama at the office usually isn't nearly as cool as saving a baby from a 30story burning building.

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Don't forget lifeguards either. I had the pootang coming my way non stop. I swear to god, I could not leave work w/o being given some chicks #. One day I got 5 different phone numbers. I even had chicks sneak behind the front desk and get my phone number from the workers cork board. I was even a scrawny little guy, that wore glasses, and had 'nappy' hair when this all happened.


I think its that women want a man they feel secure around. Cops, fire fighters, lifeguards, and military men seem to produce this feeling of security that women can not resist.


But relationships based off these do never work or last long.

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I think its a sense of protection. Girls like to feel protected by their guy. Those people do put their life on the line & that shows that they shouldn't be messed with. I think I would feel really safe & protected having a cop or a fireman as a boyfriend. Of course my boyfriend makes me feel safe, but its a different kind of safe, these people put their lives on the line every day, or take care of criminals every day.

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