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About a week or so I ago, I got referred by the tutoring organization I volunteer with to be hired by a parent to tutor a child outside of the organization. I called the dad on the phone and we discussed what his son's learning difficulties were and how I could help and what tutoring typically involved ($15-%20 an hour, once or twice a week for one hour depending on what parent preferred, and to be done in child's home). He said that was all ok and said it'd be great if I could tutor his son. Then he said he'd call me back in a week to confirm everything and set it all up and let me know what's going on, but he never did. He had went on vacation with his family for a few days and wanted to talk things over with them about it, so that's why he said end of the week for calling.


Now I'm guessing him not calling me back means he doesn't want to hire me, and that's ok, though I am disappointed because it kind of seemed like a sure thing and I could've really used the extra money, and most of all the experience with kids. But I feel like it would've been courteous of him to call me back anyway and tell me the tutoring wouldn't work out or something along those lines instead of leaving me hanging. It just seems like the nice thing to do since it's not a typical job like at a company where they don't have to call you back after an interview if they don't want you. I think location may have been issue as I live on one end of the city and he lives on the other and I told him I don't know if I'd be able to go to his house as I don't have a car and the bus only takes you so far. I said the child could come to mine or we'd go somewhere else, but that's probably inconvenient for the family and dumb of me to mention.


I don't really know what I'm asking, just that I'm thinking maybe I should call the dad myself just to get the details and be sure I'm not hired or that he found someone else for his son? Basically, I needed to rant because job hunting is going horribly for me right now.

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I tutor for an established tutoring clinic in the evenings. I make pretty good money for a part time job and my clients come to me. I work an average of 20 to 25 hours per week, sometimes more, and I don't have to take the chance of going into a stranger's home. I won't do that. Get a job at a tutoring clinic if there are any near you. You just need to have a couple of years of college under your belt and pass a couple of tests. I teach history, math, reading, and science. It's a great gig!

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