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You don't know...

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You don't know how I felt the first time I looked into your eyes

I saw a deep sea full of mystery, joy and surprise

When you shook my hand and said 'hello'

Right then and there my knees turned to jello.


You don't know how you charmed me whenever you went on to speak

Every word mesmerised me, there was nothing more I wanted to seek

For to hear your voice and see you smile

It just somehow made everything in this world seem worthwhile.


You don't know how I longed to reach out and touch your hand

Every time you and I occupied the same bit of land

When you sat next to me it felt like pure paradise

Reliving those moments - they never did suffice.


You don't know how I longed to kiss your soft sweet lips

To make my way to heaven on an endless number of trips

Your gentle ways and soothing voice

Always gave me enough reason to live and rejoice


You don't know how I felt the day we had to say goodbye

Ever since then I have done nothing but constantly cry

You are out of my life and this drowns me in sadness

I wish you could do something to pull me out of this madness


You don't know how much I loved you and probably never will

I wish I could turn back time now and make it all stand sill

But whatever tomorrow brings - whether we're closer or farther apart

I just want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart...

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Thanks guys. I wrote that poem soon after I had to say goodbye to the person I loved. He never knew how I felt about him and probably never will, but I guess that's the way life goes.


Once again, thanks for the positive feedback - at least heartbreak is good for something.

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Why do you say he might never know how you feel about him? Is there something stopping you? Like really...? Because if not...I think you should get in contact with him, and let him know exactly how you feel. I have always been the outspoken type and have to let people know what is on my mind. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but I think you should try to call him or something and pretty much say what that poem told us. Tell him how you feel about him. Have you ever heard that quote...it pretty much says something like..."If you love someone let them know, because we never know what tomorrow brings. He could be taken away any minute." Think about it.



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I know he could be taken away at any minute. That is the nature of life. However I am afraid of rejection because I have been badly burned in the past. As painful as it is, I cannot tell him that I love him because he simply doesn't feel the same way about me.


I am a sensitive person and judging by the conversations we have had and the way he has reacted to me (his body language) he does not love me as more than a friend. And he has even gone so far to put restrictions on our friendship so that is the reason why I haven't told him I have loved him.


To add to that, I am not an outgoing person by nature so it would look so out of place for me to just call him up and tell him how I feel. I wish I could - I so desperately wish I could, but I have become used to rejection and disappointment, so it won't matter that he will forget about me just as everyone else has done so far...

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