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When is hope lost


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Hello Everyone.


I took a girl out on a date about 10 days ago. We were hooked up thru friends of family. The date lasted about 6 hours in which we did multiple things to get to know each other (drinks, dinner, games). She said it was some of the most fun she's had in a while. When dropping her off I received a hug and she said we should talk very soon. I called 2 nights later and she was at work so she texted me saying she will call tomorrow or night after. She called me the next night and we made plans to hang out this upcoming weekend (she has a job which requires late nights sometimes). When we were getting off the phone she said she looks forward to talking on Sunday (which I asked if she would be free to talk Sun. and she said yes...she got off work supposedly at 730ish). I called and received her vm. I left a message for her to call back. Up until now I have not heard from her...which I find strange because we have not had any awkward moments and she called back the first time. In case she dont call tonite...how long will it be considered that she is no longer interested? Do I reach out again some other day> Advice needed please.


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Why don't you send her a text asking 'how she's going'? And not mentioning her not calling. If you don't get a response, then probably leave it.


Things is, you don't know what might have happened between then and the call, she might not ahve wantd to call because she didn't finish until so much later and had to work alte last night. There could be many reasons. Test the water and if it doesn't come back or is cold, then go find another pool to swim in.

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Why don't you send her a text asking 'how she's going'? And not mentioning her not calling. If you don't get a response, then probably leave it.


Things is, you don't know what might have happened between then and the call, she might not ahve wantd to call because she didn't finish until so much later and had to work alte last night. There could be many reasons. Test the water and if it doesn't come back or is cold, then go find another pool to swim in.


I don't think I quite agree with this..... I'd give her another day or two.


Sometimes when people retell their stories they editorialize to make it sound more like the other person is interested (I've done this too!). However, from what you wrote, it does seem like she likes you. I'd give her at least tonight and maybe tomorrow night before sending a follow-up. Give her a little space. Just my humble opinion.


Edit: Your thread title is insane. "When is Hope Lost?" After a girl hasn't called you for one night?????? Somewhat recently I dated a girl for two months. One time (after doing a couple other things that irritated me) she didn't respond to an invitation. I didn't follow-up, although I would have if the other things didn't happen. 12 days later she gives me a call. 1 night is WAYYYYYYYYY to soon to lose hope. But please... if you start stressing about her not calling you back this early, you could be in for a world of trouble in the coming weeks.

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