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What the heck is wrong with me? >_<


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I'm in the second semester of my second year of college, here, and honestly, college has never been a lot of trouble for me. In both semesters of my first year, as well as the first semester of my second year, my GPA was over 3.5. But all of a sudden, this semester, I'm making tons of stupid little mistakes with my classes. I'm already failing one of them (which is not only the easiest class I'm taking, but the one I was looking most forward to because I found the subject matter very interesting), I'm getting hit pretty hard in my calculus class because it's kinda tough (I'm probably sitting at a C, at most), and I screwed up a couple assignments in my one other class, which has probably brought me down to at least a B in that one. There's only one class I'm still doing well in, but all of these problems I have going on with my other classes are starting to make it hard to concentrate on this one.


I just... I don't get it. I don't get what the heck is going on with me that I'm suddenly making all these stupid little mistakes, and screwing up assignments, the way that I am. I don't want to be failing out of my classes... Not only does that look bad, but it could probably cost me my financial aid, which I'm very intent on keeping. It's making me sick to my stomach just thinking about all of this.

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Firstly, dont panic.

You're in your second semester of your sophomore year, which means that the classes you're taking are probably becoming more geared towards those who plan to major in that particular field. Hence the classes require more in-depth understanding about the complex concepts and theories that the particular field examines.


If you talk to your classmates, I am positive that many of them are feeling the same way as you are. I think you can either 1) consult with an academic advisor/professor/teaching assistant about getting extra assistance in the courses you're having the most trouble with, 2) form study groups with your peers, 3) always make sure that you preview and review the textbook/your notes and TAKE ADVANTAGE of your teachers -- ask questions! It is THEIR JOB to clearly convey this material to you and to help you learn/understand it.

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It's not even really that, though, it's that I'm all of a sudden screwing stuff up on the assignments that I wouldn't normally have trouble with (due dates, etc.). I've never been bad with that kind of thing before, but this semester, I'm, like, totally air-headed, or something. It doesn't make any sense to me.

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I find that students and teachers alike are more .... "air-headed," to use your term, in the spring semester. It's not just me that's noticed but many of my colleagues have also said that they feel (and they've noticed that their students are) more run down in the spring, maybe bc the winter vacation is so short and people aren't as rested is one theory that we came up with.


Maybe the answer is as simple as resting/sleeping more.

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I e-mailed the instructor for that one class I'm failing (it's an online class) to see if I can make up those lost points. I e-mailed him Sunday, and I was kind of hoping to hear something back either yesterday or early today, and still nothing. I'm a little surprised, because having e-mailed instructors with questions and whatnot before, they usually get back to me pretty quickly. I'm not trying to be insensitive or anything, and I know that they may be busy, but it's just making me a bit nervous, because I want to know if I can make up for them, or if I'm pretty much screwed. I'm assuming the worst, and it slightly frustrates me that he hasn't even been able to shoot me a quick e-mail to say that I can't make up for the points, and that I'm basically SOL.

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I e-mailed the instructor for that one class I'm failing (it's an online class) to see if I can make up those lost points. I e-mailed him Sunday, and I was kind of hoping to hear something back either yesterday or early today, and still nothing. I'm a little surprised, because having e-mailed instructors with questions and whatnot before, they usually get back to me pretty quickly. I'm not trying to be insensitive or anything, and I know that they may be busy, but it's just making me a bit nervous, because I want to know if I can make up for them, or if I'm pretty much screwed. I'm assuming the worst, and it slightly frustrates me that he hasn't even been able to shoot me a quick e-mail to say that I can't make up for the points, and that I'm basically SOL.


Generally speaking, I have found that unless you have a medical or personal reason (with documentation, unless it is a death) for poor performance or missed assignments/exams then the instructor will either:


a) be nice and let you know they can't help you out since it would not be fair to other students

b) ignore your request


Either way unless you have documented reasoning for your poor performance I don't think he will be too lenient


That being said - is there any way you can drop the course so it won't affect your GPA?

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That being said - is there any way you can drop the course so it won't affect your GPA?


I've thought about it (I'm pretty sure the last date for withdrawal is either some time at the very end of March, or some time in April), but I'm not sure what will happen with my financial aid, if I do so. See, I have a grant covering my whole tuition at the moment (I'm at community college, so it's not THAT high, but still), and the grant stipulates that I have to be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours per semester. If I drop this class, that puts me under 12, but this semester's tuition has already been paid, so what would happen? Would I have to pay back the amount I had gotten from the grant? Or what? Yanno?


As for the class, the thing is, I missed taking two tests. The problem is, in the syllabus (and I was even told by the instructor himself when I asked about it earlier in the semester) says that the tests would go active, and remain up to be taken for seven days. The tests are first posted on a Monday, and they are supposed to remain up until the following Monday. Like I said, that's exactly what the instructor said to me, as well. However, it seems like the tests have been getting taken down by the weekend, and I know, it's sort of my fault for waiting until the last couple days to try and take the tests, but to be fair, between my part time job and my other classes, it's been easier for me to delegate doing my class work for the online class on the weekend. But despite the fact that he's told me the tests remain active through the following Monday, they're not posted when I try to take them on the weekend.


I'm hoping he's not ignoring me, because that'd be kind of rude, I think. I've written to other instructors in past classes before, asking if I could make up for some points I may have missed (albeit, in more minor assignments), and while most of the time, the answer was no, they were at least able to shoot me an e-mail and tell me so. Nothing like leaving me hanging when my entire grade the class is hanging on the line...

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Hmm, well a missed exam due to confusion/miscommunication is obviously different than simply doing poorly on an exam.


In that case, I would say go see him personally as soon as possible. Such as this afternoon. If he is not around then all instructors should have office hours so you should go at that time.


Also, FYI - if there is a discrepancy between what the professor said verbally and what was written in the course syllabus it is the syllabus which takes precedent. Not only because of paper trail but it is the "contract" the instructor has with the students. Therefore, if he refuses to let you take the exam then you can take it up with the registrars office. Unfortunately, I don't know how you can prove that it was not up on the following Monday unless you have other students arguing the same fact. For all you know it was up Friday to Friday?


You missed two exams too - so thats a hard one to argue. But not impossible.


In the meanwhile, call your financial aid office and ask them what will happen to your grant/funding if you drop a course. Get a firm answer either way.

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One exam was a quiz, and one was a mid term; I'm more concerned about the mid term, because it's obviously worth more. Looking at the syllabus, I guess it does say the quizzes will only be available for five days (which I guess explains why I missed that one; though he DID tell me the quiz was active until the following Monday when I asked him about it a few weeks ago), but it says for mid terms (and the final), that they're available for seven days. Originally, the mid-term was due by the 8th, but because of the spring break week, he extended it to the 15th. So even if you look at the "seven days" thing, it should have been another seven days because of the extra week we got. I don't know if I should write him back again now that I better understand this information, or if I should continue waiting to see if I get a reply.

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I have always worked at least two jobs while going to school. I'm in grad school and have yet to miss an assignment. If the test will be up until the next Monday, make it a point to take it by Thursday. You have to make your education your top priority. That being said, I know calc is tough and if you are pulling a C in it, you're a pretty bright person. I think you just need better prioritizing and organizational skills. I hope your prof lets you make the assignments and tests up. Good luck with that.

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Whew, looks like I wasn't the only one having issues with the tests in the class I'm failing; the professor just posted an announcement about the situation, and next week, he's reposting all the tests for all of us to make up the ones we've missed. Now I won't be failing! ^_^

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