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Virtual yber relationship roleplay - interested?


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Ok. I know cybersex and cyber relationships take all sorts of forms. From online dating and chat, to cyber sex chat, to virtual reality sex to roleplay stories and roleplay chat. And sometimes in all forms people pretend to be what they're not.


Something i'd like to have a go at though is something I haven't quite come accross and that is (kind of roleplay I guess - but not a simple sex role play dialogue or a roleplay story) exchanging messages in a kind of fantasy roleplay pretending to be in a relationship of some kind. It would be purely fantasy - but involving the emotions and imagination as much as anything else. A kind of virtual reality to explore ones emotions and sexuality.


Has anyone done this before or interested in doing it? It could involve as much of yourself or a creation of someone else as you like.


The reason I ask is I've never quite come accross it as an idea on the net (not in precisely this form).

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