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Just need somewhere to let it all out


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Ok my fear of abandonment has been really bad this week. I know its my ex that triggers it off in me but I'm keeping her around to find out when I have overcome it (as I will definitely know when its gone with her around). I have my first NLP session tomorrow which I'm hoping for some great results from.


The anxiety has been huge this week and I have been overly clingy with everyone. Can't concerntrate on work and can't sleep without sleeping pills. I know once I've got through this one (Hopefully with NLP). I will make it impossible for my ex to contact me (I forgot to delete her off msn last time).


It does feel like all the progress I thought I had made over the last few months has all gone. This anxiety is all I think about all day everyday. Its been hard to have fun this week (even after a great trip to auzzie last week). I have not been doing my exercise and even slacked off on my hobbies a bit. I will beat this thing though and refuse to let myself go into another depression because of it.


Does anyone here have any experience with the effectiveness of NLP?


I tried CBT and thought I had resolved my issues but obviously not (Which is why I keep my ex around now)

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Completely agree. Its alright I was out shopping the other day with my sister and was waiting outside my car for my sister to come out and saw my ex. She must have thought I was stalking her or something because I get a message 'What the hell was that? I cant believe you. I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see you, I just want you gone'


So I don't think I'll have to worry about that anymore. I've got more therapy coming up but still feel like i've made huge steps backwards.

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