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I'm blinded by her beauty

Can't think of what to say

She turns around and smiles

It's an instant sunny day


The world is so much better

Then it's ever been before

But all I can do is smile

Must do something more


She standing right beside me

Smells so sweet and clean

Her fragrance is intoxicating

It's done something to my brain


I want to introduce's myself

But I can't recall my name

My god she is so beautiful

It's driving me insane


She turns an looks right at me

Checks me out both up and down

Hi! my name is Hayley

Would you like to take me out


I'm not sure how this happened

I never thought it could

But thank you God for all your help

I promise I'll be good



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Yes this did actually happen to me, all the poems i write are from experience. Althought they are not necessarily submitted in the correct order of events, some are quite recent, other are quite old.


Unfortunately, all begginings have an end...

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