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How do you tell when friends with benefits change?

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How do you tell when friends with benefits change.

I have never been in an arrangement like that before.

I thought FWB, was friendship Yes with the sex.(no feelings and no complements)


Now this is where i get confused.

my man has always said from the start casual sex, which i have been ok with. With not much affeciate, now this i feel has changed or it is me reading things.


He has told me that he likes my lips and loves kissing them. (and was quite passinate too)

He tells me i am pretty

He tells me i smell nice, and likes the way i smell.

Other night in the pub, he started rubbing my leg and backside in public.

From what i picked up other night at the pub he has told people about us.

This bit i am embarresset about, but says i am good in our sexual acts!

We also see each other a bit

5 days out of 7.


We werent friends before this either

Can anyone help me out.


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I dont really think that itd be called friends with benefits if you and he werent friends before hand, more like just a casual relationship. Okay now back to what u said about FWB, jus having sex but with no feelings etc involved.. I think its too much a risk to do that to a friendship, if you want the friendship to last then dont get into a sexual relationship with that person because it gets complicated because one of them or sometimes both start to get to attached and feelings developed and all that stuff u dont want in a friendship.

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thanks, i understand that


But how do you tell if it has changed for the other party involved.

As i said earlier, the compliments have jsut started.

He is asking me to stay the night.

I am there cooking tea for both of us.


To me it is a relationship, wehter just sex or not i dotn know



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He just seems to swap and change his attatudes all the time, dont know if it is his drinking/weed smoking or what.


But that i will find out.

I have asked him but what he says and the way he acts are 2 differnt things



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Hi all,

yet another update.


I rang the man in question and tried to end it,

Wouldnt except it over the phone, so i went there as he told me to when he hung the phone up. So i did and explained that i couldnt go on with it the way things were anymore. I explained about coming out of my marriage hurt and couldnt allow myself to be setup to be hurt again. He didnt want to accept it, ask me for a hug. No was a good answer nearly all night.


He told me he liked me, but he wasnt ready for commitment.

My reply, neither was I (as i am not after a commitment, just dont want to be used as a sex partner only). But i believe in friendship also not jsut sex. When it was time to go, he said he wanted to see me again, told him again it was over. Somehow i dotn think he is going to leave it at that.


So how to i explain this situation to my confused head?

Does he want more or is it he thinks he will keep getting sex?

Which he didnt get!!



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Yet another update!


I have once again tried to end the relationship but some men dont like the word NO it is over.


2 Days after telling him that i have also meet another man, makes me sound a bit cheap, nothing has happened between us. We have jsut spoken for hours about ourselves. I had been drinking when i met him but i didnt allow anything to happen. so i was proud of that. My friend gave him my phone number and he said he would ring me next week as he was busy over the weekend. So i guess time will tell.

We both have alot more in interest. I just dotn want to left alone for ever, and guess i have to get out more to meet them.




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  • 3 weeks later...

For those who have followed my story, another update:


As all know i tried to break it off with this guy, he kept ringing.

so i went and saw him as a friend nothing else, now 3 weeks on.


FWB, can actually turn into something else, if patient and dont push it.


Last night he asked me what is our future together, no longer wants the FWB, he wants a relationship!



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