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How to ask/tell a Girl to be Ur G/F?

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You definetaly dont want to tell a girl to be your girlfriend. That wont get you anywhere

telling her how you fell would be a good start if you both hang out a bit...Dont go proclaim your love to a complete stranger. If you two are on the same page and both like each other and then maybe you two could become a couple. Talk to her.


Good Luck



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Asking for someone to be your g/f is like a leap to commitment.


I think things end up better if they progress slowly and both parties are sure about what they want. Hang out more, enjoy each others' company. There shouldn't be any hurry to give the "relationship" an official title.

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Ask her to hang out, let it progress...theres no reason to ask her to be your girlfriend, but do ask her to go out...and make it so that it's obviously not I want to be your friend lets hang out but rather...I like you lets hang out....tell her you like her...do it before someone else does!

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