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i was wondering how does a person get the pill? i know you have to call the docter, but can you just say you want some & they give it to you, or do you have to get a check up?

how safe are condoms to use if you only use a condom during sex & no other birth control?

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Before you get the pill they will give you an exam. If you have been sexually active, they will also do a pregnancy test on you just to be sure you aren't pregnant (birth control pills can harm a developing fetus).


Condoms are a fairly safe form of birth control with a success rate of preventing pregnancy around 94% IF used properly every time. They are also the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.



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Actually, they won't ALWAYS give you a pregnancy test........they didn't with me. Granted, I wasn't hardcore sexually active, but I wasn't a saint either! I think it depends on the state. No one I know of in CT was ever tested prior to getting the pill. But the exam part is definitely right, without question. And not a bad idea, either!


Condoms are effective as long as one is careful to have the right fit and that it doesn't slip off. Sounds lame, but true. That, and hoping it doesn't break. A backup form of birth control is always a good idea, such as the sponge or the patch, or the shot. If you need more info, just ask!



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Hey OdObO,

To get birth control for the first time you have to get a check up... All that they do is give ya a pap smear, to see if it would be safe for you to use birth control. Some people cant due to health conditions, stds, or pregnancy. However, they will give ya a prescription on that visit. During the visit they will also give you information of how the pill works, and how to use it properly, what to do if you experience side effects, ect.

Also condoms are relatively safe to use in the prevention of pregancy, however they are not 100% percent effective depending on how they are used. Good Luck...

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Well I am in Canada and we don't have doctors fees for stuff like that. I got pregnant when I was on the pill, so remember it can happen but that chances are not high. My boyfriend and I use a condom on the 4 days of the month I can get pregnant to be sure no accedents happen as well as the pill. You can get pregnant 14 days AFTER the first day of your period, and it for about 4 days. Maybe you might want to not have sex those days. Yes you do have to have a pap done, and every year after that you will have a pap done as well. You should look about going through your city/state where you live sometimes you can go to a free clinic. good luck!!

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