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Update.. hmm.. need some advice.

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So right now I'm taking care of my ex' cate while she's away. Something tells me I should've said no, but I just couldn't. Not because of her, simply because I love the damn cats. When I heard them meowing in the background as she called me asking me to take care of them, I couldn't resist saying yes.


Now, as some of you know, I've been trying to distance myself from her. She sent me an email saying "if you want to retain contact, please reply to the email". I didn't reply. Yet she called me asking me to take the cats, even though she never liked having them at my house when we were together! I know there are lots of people who could've taken care of the cats, but for some reason she wanted me to have them. When our mutual friend asked her why, she said that she "agreed to let me have them since I wanted it so much", which really isn't true, since it was her who called me and asked. I even said "I shouldn't do this, but you know I can't resist those cats".


So here I am with the cats. We met yesterday so she could hand them over, and I really wasn't very nervous meeting with her. Sure, it was kind of a tense situation, but I really didn't pay much mind. I took the cats and went home. Later in the night, she called me and told me that she was really nervous meeting with me, and excused herself if she'd been acting "weird". That really surprised me.


Now.. what does she want? My stance is this: I don't feel like being friends, but if she wants another serious shot at the relationship, I'm for it. But I don't understand what she wants. If she's just trying to patch together some kind of friendship, I'm not interested.

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Keep your distance!!


Again I seem to be in the same situaton as you... My ex is trying very hard to try and build up some sort of "superficial relationship"... It feels good to stay distant and look after yourself for once.. You mustnt let yourself be roped into doing something you dont want to do...


It seems like we now hold all the aces... Good luck in whatever you do...

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