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Is it still possible?

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Well.. I have been a bit negative.

And I figure my way of "no contract" rule did not help.

I ignored her several time.

Block her on aim.


She still seems to care a lot.. ask if i was ok..

and i kept telling her to leave me alone.. and stuff like that.


Well any suggestion is welcome.. Just trying to figure out what to do.

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Well, if she still cares, then I wouldn't say it's too late to turn back (She still feels something for you).

First of all, begin talking to her again. Try inviting her to the movies or anywhere, but you have to be with her so you can talk.


Good luck! you better hurry before you loose her forever



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I don't think it's gonna work.. I did talk to her for around 5 min then.. i decide i should wrap it up and says I gtg.


She seems to be angry at me. Maybe I shouldn't ignored her like that..


I guess my main reason of wanting her back is that I owe her something.


I didn't like her much at first, until we broke up. I figured how much she have done for me.


Well these days, I can get my mind off these topics and stopped wanting her back etc... but I still do like her.. just dosn't feel right to like her in a way

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