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I'm really confused...

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For starters, I like a girl. This girl, I doubt she likes me back. I try to do things for her, and I just mean chivalrous things, like letting her pass first through doors, and stuff, but she seems to hate it when I do. So, I don't do it all the time. Sometimes she looks at me, and sometimes she doesn't. Sometimes she seems to be very angry at me. As if she thought I did that stuff because I wanted to get in her pants, or something. But that's not true, I would do it for any girl (Is being a gentleman my curse?). After all, they are ladies. Anyway, She has never smiled at me, and we only had like 2 short conversations on stuff like "where are you from?" last year. I was too shy to expand those conversations and ask for her phone number. She actually was one of the first people who talked to me when I moved here in 11th grade last year. She has a friend, to whom I have never talked, that this year started looking at me. I returned eye contact to her because I found the fact that finally a girl ever looked at me very interesting, and she seemed to notice me even more. Well, maybe it's because I have waited too long, but now she doesn't seem to look at me anymore. And, well, the girl I liked never notices me. I'm not interested in any of them anymore, because they are not interested in me . I just want to know what I did wrong that made the girl angry, and what I can do so freaky stuff like that doesn't happen when I go to college. Is it because I am not handsome?

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I can tell ya it aint cause ya not handsome. Im not any eye candy myself, but anywho, it might be because either you arent her type, something about you pisses her off that you dont know of, or that she has had a bad experience with other guys.


I see your patience is very little in your double post. Patience, although not talked about alot, is a key, maybe not too important, but important.


Hopefully this helps

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Sure, I know patience is very important. I know I lack some patience, but I just know that can't be it. I really don't know why I would piss her off. I mean, I understand I may not be her type. Maybe she did have a bad experience with guys. Thanks Mandoro.

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Seriously this is a very broad question and I just want to switch it around. Instead of saying "what did I do wrong?", I'd say "what could I have done to impress her?" Yeah you may have talked to her and she might have been looking at you, but nothing really stuck out. I'd say just act how you want to act (without being selfish or afraid). If you keep your cool you're bound to find someone.


As far as making her angry, well some girls get mad at me because I'm popular and they aren't. I have a brain and they don't. Maybe it's jealousy, I don't know. But as I said, be yourself and respect the girl and you shouldn't have a problem.


- Chris

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Well, I would consider myself "normal" when it comes to popularity. And her, well, she doesn't seem to be one of those popular girls that like to hang out with guys. She seems to be most popular among girls. And, when you said that she's been hurt, why would she want to get payback from me? I haven't done anything. Well, whatever. I definitively know she doesn't know me well enough to decide whether I'm her type, or not.

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