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Question for the guys!!


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Being as honest as possible, there doesnt have to be a strong atraction, but i have to at least think she looks decent to even want to hookup with a girl. Then again a couple shots and everyone gets a little hotter. No but seriously i guess there has to b atleast a bit of atraction for me, but some of my friends honestly dont care as long as they hookup.

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I know one of my friends doesn't have a lot of confidence, and he hooks up with girls he doesn't even really like or is attracted to, I think just because he thinks it's better than having no girl at all. I know this because he admits to me he isn't even attracted to them. So yeah, some guys are desperate enough just to be with a girl just cause they can. I don't understand it, I know I HAVE to be attracted to a girl for that.

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in my opinion i think that a guy DEFO has to be attracted to a girl. i cant see myself goin round to whoever the hell and kissin them. no. something must be there unless hes so insecure in himself he wants anyone to make him feel better. but generally guys need to be a attracted

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If she’s “cute” then I can kiss her. I have a very hard time kissing a girl that I do not find attractive on some level. I certainly won’t initiate the kiss if I don’t at least have some measure of attraction. This is probably why I like for girls to initiate a kiss with me from time to time. I wouldn’t think she’d want to kiss me unless there was some attraction there so initiating a kiss is like saying “I’m attracted to you”.


But the answer is yes. I have to be attracted to want to kiss her or take things further.

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