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Players and there stupid games

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Hey. Before I start all I have to say is Life can hurt you sometimes. People you think you know can lie to you. People you thought you loved can backstab you. Guys can be players girls can be Hoes. All I gotta say is everyone goes through it and TO be strong. Things can make you want to kill yourself but dont cuz in the long run things will get better.


Heres my story:


5 Days ago My best friend and I was walking down a street. We were just chilling bein bored. I have to admit we both looked fine in are skirts and tang tops. My friend Melisa goes up to this car. Im thinking what is she doing? It ended up the 2 guys in the car were people she knew for 2 years. I never saw them in my life. And honestly right now I wish I never met either of the 2 guys! There names are Mike and Eric. Melisa started to talk to Mike and I started to talk to Eric. Eric wanted me to kiss him. Haha ok whats wrong with the picture there. I knew him what? not even 5 minutes! I told him simply "im Good maybe later hunny" He got out of the car along with Mike. Eric started to hug me. Mike started to hug Melisa. I liked Eric dont get me wrong but I had my eye on Mike. The messed up part is in the end Mike ended up with me and Eric ended up with Melisa. Mike tryed to kiss me and I told him when I got to know him. So we traded numbers. Melisa and I left. She was acting really weird. This is why...


We got to my house and sat on my porch. She told me Mike was a player not to get caught up in the games he plays, and not to touch him. I was like ok whatever. I didnt take it seriously. The next day we saw them again. Mike and I got real close. I ended up making out with him and alot more stuff. I was falling for him. But I knew in my heart I was just a girl hes playing with. It didnt get to me until later. 2 days later, Eric called Melisa and told her Mike didnt go to work cuz he was on a date, my heart was ripped out of my chest. I started to cry so bad. Melisa was like so then what was Kayla and what he did with her? Hes like I donno I just know Mike dont wanna mess things up with this girl. I couldnt believe it, haha anyways Mike had a small dic* and Melisa told Mike I said it, and he got all scared and was afraid I was gonna tell someone. Haha I did dont worry no ones gonna play me and get away with it. Not ever and definantly not then. Ok well now, after I cryed so bad, Mike is denying everything him and I did. EVERYTHING! Makin me look like a liar. And now hes tryin to get madd people after me. All I have to say is let him. He knows what we did, and if hes gonna be a puss* then be it. Im just kinda hurt bout it......What should I do?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Life can hurt you sometimes. People you think you know can lie to you. People you thought you loved can backstab you. Guys can be players girls can be Hoes. All I gotta say is everyone goes through it and TO be strong. Things can make you want to kill yourself but dont cuz in the long run things will get better.


Hey, Sweetie14,


You're soo right. life can hurt, and life can be the reason why some people don't even want to get up in the morning. Life gives everyone unexpected turns, but we learn from our experiences. im not saying experience is a real good thing bc I heard once that "experience is the worst teacher bc it gives you the test before the lesson". but im saying that experience can be helpful.

im sorry to hear about what happened. dont patronize him though, as bad as he is, he doesnt deserve torment, no one does. i think you should avoid him. try no cantact... i think its obvious that you 2 wont be dating anymore.

i hope your "hurt" goes away soon. just give yourself time, time heals all wounds.

*Wishes for the Best*


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  • 4 weeks later...

well hun, I hate to say this, but if you were "making out" with him after a couple days of knowing him, AND your friend told you before hand, you kinda not deserve it but...well you should have saw it coming. Next time get to know the guy a little bit more before you decide you want to hook up, if you don't want to get hurt. Stay true to yourself, respect yourself and your body , and find a nice guy who wants to be with just YOU! you'll be ok hang in there.

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