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Ok I have one week left to ask out this girl out!!!

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Why is it everytime I see her, or even think of her, I get nervous? Is this normal?


Anyways, shes a freshman and Im a sophomore and we have never spoke, we have none of the same classes, however, we have the same lunch, and sometiems I see her walking by herself to class once the bell rings, however, I get to nervous to say anything, what do I say? I dont want to come off too strong, but not too shallow either....do i have what it takes?


Seriously, I have to ask this girl out before school ends or im giong to go crazy!!!! I have 1 week left!! what do i do!?

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Ok, I have been friends with this girl for a while, about a little over half the year, and I really like her. She's sweet and kind, and easy to talk to.

Oh ya, she's beautiful also. Anyway, I think she might like me too, but I don't know how to ask her to be my girlfriend, though. The year is almost out, I am a freshmen, and I don't want to just say," Hey, do you want to be my girl friend?" That sounds a little stupid.



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Hey Dr.Jekyl. Well, I don't know a lot about the matter. But I think that just saying "Hey, do you want to be my girl friend?" does sound a little stupid. Well, it also depends on the occasion. If you do it while you two are alone. You could get romantic. First Praise her. Tell her how beautiful she looks in that moment. Then tell her you like her more than a friend. After that, just tell her that you would like to be her boyfriend. If you are 100% sure she likes you back, then there shouldn't be any problems. If anyone has anything to say, you are welcome to disprove me. It's not like I am an expert in telling every girl what they want to hear.

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Hi shy_guy. I am in a similar situation (take a look at my post "Need help (or a miracle) talking to a girl", except that I am moving, to make things worse. I also start shaking when she looks into my eyes (which is very rarely). I get very nervous around her. So, if anyone says something to helpfull to you, I will listen too.

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I was in a similiar situation, but I just thought "**** it" went over to her, and asked her on a date. She said yes etc, and it was fine.

Seriously, its scarey, but just do it you know? Trust me, you wont regret it, and the best wya to do it is to just say something like "hi" then once your in motion, theres no stopping you... well thats what it's like for me.

Just go over and spit it out, its not nearl as bad as you think it will be, even if you get turned down you know?

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