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Europe? Egypt? America? Somewhere?


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Well, I've been thinking that once I get my feet under me here in America I might save up and move to one of the other countries. I've been reading that Germany and Romania are good places to visit, as well as Egypt. I did live in Holland for a year, and it was great, but I wasn't the one paying.


But I want somewhere to settle down if I can. Without having to worry about getting mugged or burglarized, or my health. I do realize many europeans and other peoples seem to have a bit of a nasty idea of us Americans, which I find strange sometimes as many people desire to move to America.


Or, is there somewhere in America that is easy to live?


Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

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I do realize many europeans and other peoples seem to have a bit of a nasty idea of us Americans, which I find strange sometimes as many people desire to move to America.


I don't think that you would get a hostile reaction for being an American in Europe. Lots of people in Europe would love the chance to live in the US as I am sure lots of US people would love to live in Europe. Sure there may be the odd person and rare occasion where someone might be a bit of a pain, but you get silly people whatever country you are in. Most of the sensible people in Europe would judge you on your own merits rather than the policies of a country that you are from or stereotypes from that country.

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Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?


Say you're Canadian.



Some Americans love to say that Europeans hate you, but most likely they're confusing the fact that we're a bit more closed off than Americans. Mostly we find you amusing and a bit exotic. If we hate you, it's personal.


(We hate your last government though, that's completely true.)

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Maybe you could look up statistics somewhere about the safest place to live?


I did try to find the cheapest places to live, and I didn't mind what I saw... until I read the comments, I guess everything they said was way of or WAY sugar coated. Nor did they say anything about crime and such.


I might be going to school to become a Masseur, so I suppose I could get a job at some sort of resort or something...

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Egypt is pretty dangerous actually, but is a place that I definatley want to visit before I die. I was about to go this coming May with school but couldn't raise the money in time. But during the overview meeting they talked about the high mugging and crime rates against tourists. Apparently it is done a lot by taxi drivers? Then again you have to be careful in any city you visit, and if you are smart then you should be fine.


If I had the chance I'd live in Europe for a year or two. I am jealous! Wherever you go I'm sure you will have a great time. And know it isn't permenant. If it doesn't feel right to you then you can always go somewhere else. I heard Germany was a good/ fun place to live as well. Good luck in your decision.

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I've never been treated differently in the EU for being American. If anything, people are just curious... and yes, they hate our previous president


I lived in England and loved it there. Would have stayed but had visa issues and the weather is a bit too rainy for my liking.

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It really depends on your personality/money situation which country suits you the best.

No matter where you go, racist people and judgmental people exist....


Please tell us more details, like what you value the most, climate preference, money situation, what your plan for the future(you said settle down, but you mean for good?)


It's probably the best idea to travel around first to see if you feel strongly about any of the countries you visit. Then again, traveling and actually living are totally different,

so that's when your research actually start.

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In Scotland if you're American you'll be regarded as quite loud and obnoxious, ditto a few other European countries feeling the same. And yes, your previous Gonvernment was despised, don't mention any support you may have had for them. But since Obama became President the general feeling towards Americans has become a lot more popular since the Bush admin.

If you're going to move within Europe, unless you end up in the U.K you'll need to get a good grasp on the language; some countries moreso than others (France, Spain).

As far as safety, I remember reading that Japan is one of the safest places as far as rapes and burglaries are concerned, with it being very safe to leave your car or house unlocked for long periods, and it almost being unheard of for people to be raped/mugged late at night on their own.

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