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we both like eachother, but cant......

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i have a conflict.... a while back, i aksed what to do to ask this girl out got lots of answers.... they helped.... the thing is.... it turns out the girl i am supposed to ask out is leaving at the end of school year.... and it also turns out she already has a boyfriend.... but we both like eachother... her friends in this city are trying to get her to dump her bf for me, but she wont... i know this is her problem but it encounters me in it.....what do u do?? i would just like to go on only one date with her before she leaves....its her decision to go back or not, i cant ask her out cuz she wont go out with me for she has a bf.....what am i to do???we went to valley fair last week and we got to talking ... we have lots in common.... i know that if we went on a date... i could probably convince her to stay... but it wouldnt feel right to me... if she did stay, she would be breaking her bf's heart maybe ( unless he is sleeping around) but if she goes, then she would be breaking my heart....


have you ever heard of love at first sight??? that is exactly what it feels like to me....



it is uncomfitterable for me to talk about this kinda stuff to her.... i dunno whjat to do.....


dam... this happened once before but not with the love part.... i liked this girl in grade eight, she already had a bf and she was moving, i tried to get her to stay but it just made things worse.... please give me suggestions of what to do....



thank you in advance!!!

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i know exactly how you feel. im a real shy person, and yeah, ive experienced love at "first-site".

sadly it didnt work out between me and this guy, but that didnt stop us from bein friends. another thing thats oddly similar is that up til a few weeks ago, i was going to be moving. lol.

all i can say is follow your instincts. do what your gut is telling you to do. in my opinion you should take her out. and dont hold back in telling her anything. bc later youll regret it.

i wish you the best.

ttyal. byez.

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lol... i try to do what my gut is telling me, but its too hard... i freeze right up...


schools almost over and that means i dont have much time.... i dont even know if her bf is in her old town where she is moving to or here in this city....or anywhere else for that matter.....i know that if i leave it i will definitely regret it.... but i just dont have the guts to even talk to her about it... i hardly even see her anymore... she is in none of my classes.... i only see her like once a day.... when she is walking to class and i have my spare... our breaks are only 5 mins so no time for talking... i dont even have a clue of what her email address is or anything....i dont have the guts to ask her myself... and none of my friendsa even know her....i know her friends though, but that just makes me look desperate if i ask them for her email or phone #........when we were in minnesota we actually saw eachother every single day lots of times.... but now its a rare occasion.....we both like eachother.... i know she likes me from both her friends and they way she looks into my eyes.... when i am walking with a group of ppl... she looks right into MY eyes for a few seconds until we pass eachother in the halls.....i say hi sometimes... but i can never just turn around and walk with her... wouldnt have anything to talk about... i cant just walk up "hi.......how are you?" thats too embarrassing....

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thats the whole thing... i cant tell her anything like that... i am too scared of what she would say....


since it is her choice to return or not... i might be able to change her mind, but its taking a risk... i could tell her that i cant be without her or something like that, but that could bring up other things.... it could make things a hell of a lot better, but it also could severely damage any kind of chance i have with her.... i wouldnt want to blow anything... but i would like to at least tell er how i feel... but i dont know how or when... and as i said .... it coupld possibly ruin everything....


this is really complicating........

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well, if it's meant to be, then it will happen... Don't make this situaution intyo an all or nothing kind of deal. No ultimatums wil help you or her. Make sure your feelings are well stated and let her make the next move. Remember, it's better to have a close friend than losing one because you can't get to the next level.

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