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He told me he was a bandit in his boyhood. What does it mean?


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Who knows?

It could mean that he liked to tee-pee the neighbors houses when he was 12.

It could mean that he was part of a violent street gang.


What is your sense about him? Does he seem edgy? Dangerous? Is that part of the allure?


What do you mean by friend? Just friend? Or is there some sort of attraction?

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I considered myself a bandit for a couple of years in my teenage-hood. By that I mean I shoplifted quite a bit. Didn't get caught, but I realized it was completely stupid and once I learned about the term "shrinkage" and how it affects business/my co-workers and me, I quit doing it.


Just find out what he's learned from the experience and if it's long behind him.

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Shrinkage is basically a loss of profit for a company due to theft. If a company loses enough profit, they could possibly end up cutting pay, or jobs. The place I had worked for eventually had to start patting down the employees as we left our shift at the end of the day. It upset a few people I worked with and I told myself it just wasn't worth it.

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My new friend told me that he was a very bad person in his boyhood. He mentioned a word "bandit", but didn't want to explain about it until we know each other poorly. What does it mean? Does it mean that he robbed people in the streets or are there more kinds of bandits?


It might be a good idea for you to talk to this person and ask them what they mean.

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