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Well just feeling super frustrated.... about this whole break up thing. Well so many things have happened in between. we dated for just a little over a year. so many things have happened. i will bullet point them:

- he broke it off siting "it's just not working out"

- we tried the friends thing. didn't work, the friendship was like waiting for crumbs falling off the breakfast table. he was so inconsistent in his contact.. would not reply to messages etc.

- received mysterious calls from his current girl.

- had numerous closure conversations initiated by him.

- last conversation he said "i never really loved you as much"

my question is why did we spend 369 days of the year together if he felt like this? why continue to call, text, confide in me after the breakup if he doesn't "love me as much"? why go silent from time to time? why mess around with my heart like that? I'm just really mad and i just wanted to vent.


so any way i have asked to be left alone, no more sporadic texts calls etc. i know its just a jumble of words but i'm still hurting. and the latest "we need to talk" just broke me "i never really loved you as much" keeps echoing in my head.

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