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Do Women Desire Sex As Much As Men?

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Of course they do!


You know, the double standard is pretty ridiculous.


Men are being strong, thorough men that are sewing their

wild oats because they have a healthy sex drive, but women

are looked at as "ladies of the night" because they desire

sex the same way.


This is really backwards thinking, and what's more

is the fact that I'm a MAN. To take it even further,

I LOVE women... beautiful, intelligent, spunky women.


What do you think the double standard is all about?


I think that there are a lot of different aspects to it.


There are many women (I know a lot of them personally) that

have very strong sexual desires that they want to let loose.


The thing is, they don't just want the physical act.


They also want to embrace the mental and emotional feelings

that come along with a healthy sex drive. Isn't this the

same thing men want (or should want)?


I don't care what man you talk to... most men have

been with a woman that has 'rocked their boat'. The

powerful effect that that woman had on that man was

not purely physical... it couldn't be.


It was a total mind, body, and soul experience.


The same thing applies to women. The only difference is

that women DO naturally tie the mental and emotional into

the physical act, while many men are not that advanced yet.


In my opinion, this is what the problem is.


Think about it... it seems to be expected in society that

men can do things that make us look enormously stupid and

disrespectful, but we are "just being men" when we do it.


Many men in today's world think that they are being a man

because they are able to get a woman pregnant, but aren't

man enough to stay around and handle the responsibility for

the long haul because they now think the girl was being a

"ho" for sleeping with him and getting pregnant.


This doesn't make sense!


At the same time, a woman may make a mistake and get pregnant

by a man that is no good because she truly wanted to raise a

child and start a family, but she is now looked at as trash.


Here's the deal:


Women... there is nothing wrong with having a strong sex drive.

However, when you begin to exploit it in a way that makes sex

your only attribute, you will be used, abused, and tossed to

the side.


Don't accept anything less than a man who has the same

kind of passions that burn in you. If you want the total package,

but are only getting part of it from your boyfriend or husband,

is it really the best situation for YOU?


Probably not.


Men... women have strong sex drives too! It is probably stronger

than most men because it is more developed, and it's been supressed

for so long. Mind, body, and soul is involved. That means that it

is something to handle gently and passionately, instead of frivalously

and with no regard.


Get in touch with your emotional sexual side, and you will

find that you are having better relationships, and better sex.


Lets make our relationships last!

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I totally agree that women desire sex just as much as men.


If you look at the experiences women have with men who are impatient and selfish, clearly there will be pent up desires that are waiting to be unleashed.


My advice to men is to allow yourself to start feeling at a deeper level and show those feelings, make her feel comfortable around you (be sincere) and watch her reveal a side of her that she's been waiting to explore.


You must give, and give a lot, in order to receive. That's what most women are looking for...a giver and a pleaser not a taker.


Can you get hurt by giving too much? Sure can! But if you selected the best woman for you she will reciprocate without you having to ask! Try it and trust me you will like the results.

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I think that communication and understanding are key!


That's what we're about at my link removed


When you have a woman that is thinking that she has found prince charming, but a man who thinks he has found Jenna Jameson... without communication, there will be a problem.


Women have a strong desire for sex, and you are right Mr. Goodman... if you show a woman that she can trust you fully, she will show you (and herself) things that she never knew she was capable of.


The breakdown that I see is that a lot of women begin to mistake themselves as sexual objects only... they begin to utilize sex as their only weapon... their only "control" over men.


That is our fault (men), as well as the education women have received on sex. If you read this post... please participate.

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I have to disagree on that one fellas....only because of scientific facts. see men have a much higher level of testosterone which tends to make a person hornier. With the higher level of testosterone scientificly men should want sex more than women who have a higher level of estrogen instead.


To prove this point before you developed your secondary sexual characteristics were you ever horny? I myself never was. At this point the level of testoterone and estrogen are exactly the same in girls and boys. Once one matures the level of testoterone increases in males and the level of estrogen increases in females.


2nd men are uglier people than women.....I mean come on compared to women we are gross. we have a sack and a one eyed snake hanging from us for christ sake! Why do you think it has been somewhat more acceptable for a women to be a lesbian? Well this is because lesbians make guys horny. We love seeing lesbians!


Next woman simply have a better way to pleasure themselves than men since they can use sex toys. Men only have there hands...and nothing more. There is nothing out there that could substitute the feel of a female organ, whereas virtually anything could come close to sustituting a male organ for a woman. Most (smart) people use condoms anyway...so there really is no difference between a bananna or a male organ with a rubber on it.


In addition women could get pregnant, decreasing thier desire to have sex due to the fear of being knocked up. Men dont have to worry about that they can just do it. I mean chances are the male would be in just as much trouble as the female for a thing like that, but phisically men have nothing to worry about. (unless of course they contract a std, which brings me to my next point)


Women are more prone to Std's than men. Scientific studies have proven this. Women who know this fact may be less likely to engage in sexual activity than those who do not. Although this is less likely than my other points, it is still interesting nevertheless.


Think about what men want and what women want. Would a women rather go out to an expensive candle lit dinner with a nice special kiss for a perfect evening or would a women rather stay home and get kinky. Think about it. Women would much rather enjoy that very special evening. Now lets look at men...do I even have to tell you that most sane men would choose the sex over the special evening.


Off hand here is my last point. When men experience orgasm it stinks compared to a women's orgasm. For women it lasts literally 10 or more times as long than a mans orgasm. In order for men to be satisfied as much as women they must have sex about ten times more than them. Thus proving that they need more sex than women to be sexually satisfied. Can ten male orgasms even compare to one female orgasm? The answer is probably no.


Well this is just my personal opinion and I like to think I did a good job at explaining it. Im sure there are more facts to support my opinion, but thats all I can think of off hand. Hope everyone finds this post useful. -Bill

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