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Well, after a bit of an absense I'm back


Anyone miss me?


I have a question, but I think I'll need to give a bit of background. My ex writes me the other day and seems all excited about breaking up with her boyfriend because she's selfish and wants this other guy she's in school with and how proud she is that she is selfish… I didn't really understand anything she was saying after that because frankly none of it made any since. I can normally get into peoples heads and find there motives for there actions, but this has me quite baffled. First off why would she find the need to tell me that information that she knew I had no interest in. I know that she was in no way trying to get back with me because she made it a point to use verbiage that she knows causes me to cringe in disgust. I don't believe it would be to gain me back as a close friend because until, and even since that moment her actions have been to try and keep me as disconnected as possible from her "new" life. Every time a person acts there is some sort of a motive. I guess it just bothers me that something that is so obviously a calculated act is something that I can't find an answer to.


Well, If anyone has anything to say feel free to comment

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well she is in college, maybe she was drunk(you said it didnt make sense) and being cynical. or maybe she thought she could get a rise out of you because she does miss you and cant admit it. maybe shes is jsut mad at herself for being who she is and sent you that message because your the only person she feel comfortable enough to tell or she could be jsut angry and taking it out on others. follow it up with her, dont be nice about it but find why she needed to tell you all that. other wise just ignore it and go on with your life maybe no response will hit her harder then a response.


I dont have a real answer because i dont know what she wrote(im pretty good at picking out motives too) so that all i got for ya. best of luck. it sounds like shes scared and confused though from what you wrote.

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Hmmm intresting one especially if what she put in the letter was stuff that she knew that you would disagree with and might get offended.It definetly seems like she is a selfish girl..and to me it seems like she is bragging about it..as is quite proud of the way she acts.I dont want to sound negative but i would see it as a test to see how you will react to what she put..your feelings towards her.She may be wondering if you still have feelings towards her ..and may indeed revel in knowing this if you reply.It sounds like she is basking in her own self importance and by getting a reply it may boost her ego a little bit more, im just presuming that maybe deep down she is insecure as a person..and needs reassurence knowing that you still care for her.Then again it i could be completely wrong...anyway did she write this to you in a hand written letter?.

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