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There's This Girl...

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Im in my last year of high school, i've never had anything close to a serious relationship before. Last semester (september-january) i had homeroom with this absolutly amazing girl. I'll call her Sally. Anyways, me and sally talked all the time, in class, and i really liked her, but i was nervous and never even really flirted.


Recently i went on an overnight trip to a recreation centre with one of my classes, and she was there. she isn't in any of my classes, i almost never see her now, but she was on this trip, and we really hit it off. we talked about lots of things, she even made some jokes about me driving 2 hours to see her next year (university). I was really getting a good vibe from the whole thing. but i have had a history of misreading girls and thinking a girl wants to be more than friends when she doesnt.


I thought it was nothing, but i cant get her off my mind. I dont know wat to do. She is good friends with one of my friends (my best friends girlfriend), but other than that i have no way to see her or talk to her, except the odd time when i see her when she is at work. (she works in the store next to where i work, but we almost never work the same days).

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Its incredible, after you been through a relationship you can tell by looking at your gf, how you know when someoen is flirting. Like when you are with your gf friends and they are all chillin' and then they see a hot guy, you start to pick up the tricks of the trade.


In your situation I think that she is interested in you, but she is afraid your not giving any flirting stuff. By saying the "2 hours away thing," she wanted you to smile and say yeah... and then be like "I will miss you next year." Girls like that. Well at this point (almost at college) I can't say what you should do. I am a senior too, and I was about to date another girl after me and my gf of 6 months broke up.. but then I asked myself if it is fair to her, and if I really wanna hurt again once I go to college... so I said no to myself, even though i really like this girl. So.... I would say go for it, because you say you don't have alot of experience, and I would say every bit counts. When your talkin next, just ease your way into a convo about the future. Then if she is says something like 2 hours away again say "I love having you as a friend.." and see what she says.


You gotta trick her at the same time.... physical contact is another bonus. Try hugging her or "as a joke" put your arm around her. See if she is comfortable or not.


You decide just risk it, you only got so much time left... hey and if you fail, think of it as a game, it was fun to play right? but you lose, but win again because you are leaving!



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