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Angels Wings


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He sat on the bathroom floor and cried

He shouldn't have done it, He shouldn't have lied

He didn't know why what He did was so wrong

And hoped that the pain wouldn't last that long




He felt so empty and wandered how

His life could ever go on from now

How could he carry on playing this game

When his heart was filled with so much pain




He felt like screaming, he wanted to shout

He'd spent his whole life not knowing about

The anger and sadness a person could feel

Now it was his, the pain was real




There he sat with his life in his hands

He'd had so many dreams, and so many plans

But now if he couldn't do all those things

He wanted to fly on angels' wings




If he was in heaven this pain would be gone

He'd finally be somewhere that he'd belong

He'd be with the stars, the sun and the rain

There would be an end to all his pain.



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