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i dont want to ruin our friendship

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hey i just moved to south america a few months ago, and right now im learning spanish. i can speak ok, and i can understand almost everything. there is this one girl i like, and we have become pretty good friends. she is sooo nice, and she recently told me that she considers me one of her good friends, even though she said she doesnt have too many. i have been told that there are like 16 other guys who like her, but i dont konw, to me it seems that she doesnt like any of them, she never talks about guys around me really. she has invited me to her house with a few other friends a couple of times, and we have a really good time. she also has asked me to sing with her in some concert thats coming up. i dont know, it kinda seems that she likes me, but im not too sure. i think im gonna tell her, but if she doesnt like me, i dont want it to hurt our friendship in any way, because she is such an awesome person. could someone give me advice on what to do? thanks.

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i forgot some stuff:


im like the most popular kid in my class right now because im the "gringo", i play guitar, skate, and lots of other things that everyone likes to do in my class. it seems as if everyone likes me. the girl i like, whenever i show her something, she always says "que top", which means the same as like how popular. it seems that she talks about me to her friends a lot, and whenever were all talking together, she looks at me a lot, and when our eyes meet she always smiles. so im not sure if she likes me, but it seems sorta like she does. i just dont want to ruin our friendship. please help!!!!

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