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I finally got my stuff back! But there was drama!

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For those of you who have been following my post I finally got my stuff b ack. The deal was that he was going to leave it on his screened in back porch and I was going to come get it the next day. Well, he calls me yesterday and asked me if I can come get it now. So I was like yeah I guess. Come to find out his mom would not let him leave it on the porch for what reasons I dont know. So here is where it gets tricky. I show up to his house and start putting the stuff in my car. He comes out and I try to make small talk. I am like how are you? and the reply is how it has always been since the break up that he is "not good'. Well, we both proceed to put my belongings in my car and he is not really saying naything at all to me. Well, I ask him before I go if he had like 5 minutes to talk to me and he told me no that he had to go to bed because he had to get back up for work. So I got in the car and had a break down the tears started flowing. He didnt see this he had already went back inside. So I get to my friends house and I am just an emotional wreck my heart is breaking and I am just sobbing. Next thing I know like an hour later my phone rings. It is my ex, saying that he just wanted to call and see if I was ok. So I was like, NO, I am not ok it was really hard to see you today and it hurt the way he acted. I then asked him if we were ever going to be able to be friends and he said yes. He then asked me again why are you so upset and I was honest and told him that I was still in love with him and he said he knew. After that I was about to loose it again so I decided to tell him I had to go. My question to everyone is why on earth does he act like he could care less when I see him and not even look me in the eyes and then call me concerned about me. I don't get it. I want to think it is because he still loves me but I dont know anymore I am so confused. Please help!

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I know where you're coming from with the "getting back stuff" issue. Since we split, the idiot I was shared my life with won't come and get his stuff. He leaves it there to drive me nuts. At first it did, and I refused to move it even our of our closet, or our clothes drawers. But now, I really don't even want to see it, or even think about it. I've moved some of it into the garage, but there's still a little left. There's just this weird thing about having each other's "stuff", as though it's a part of a person. I guess it is, in a way. I plan on boxing up the rest of his stuff in my house, and dropping it on his parents(where he now lives) front lawn. I'm serious. I know he doesn't want his comic book collection ruined, so he better hope someone in his family is home to watch me do it. I was going to do it all sleathfully in the night, but I thought that was too much effort. Leaving their stuff there is just a way for them to make sure you always have a painful reminder of them. So, once the stuff is gone, what we have left is the images in our mind, which we have to get over ourselves. And of course, that is the hardest part.

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I am having real issues on wanting there to be hope for us. I miss him so so much and every weekend that goes by I get sad not becasue I am bored becasue I stay so busy, but becasue I miss spending time with him. Anyone know what I could do to speed up this process this is killing me.

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