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For shy girls about flirting


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I'm shy and don't touch people much. I feel like I am invading their space - and it's something I don't think about. If I'm chatting to a guy it seems weird to actually specifically touch his leg or arm or something. Getting a hug is good but I don't initiate them. I do keep reading that touching is a sign of interest so maybe I should try - but I never am in the presence of a guy I like anyway.

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That's a dead giveaway sign that a girl is interested, but a lot of girls who are interested will not touch the guy. Hope that makes sense.


I understand what you are saying. So obviously if they touch you its good but how can you take the not touching?


Can you say "oohh she doesnt like me cause she doesnt" or "she does cause she doesn't"? haha hope that made sense

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I didn't know for sure if my girlfriend, on our first date, liked me or not. The giveaway happened at the very end, a walk home to her house and a kiss. Besides that, I couldn't say if she was into me or just being polite (little eye contact, no touching, etc). You just have to go for it and hope for the best. No one is going to say "I like you" on the first date, or even the second. Women don't like to say those kinds of things. As a guy, it's your job to just be confident with what you think might be signals, without looking into it too much.

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It goes either way. For most of my life, I tended to act very stiff and afraid of touching guys I liked...but recently I'm finding that I touch the guy I like on the shoulder (but it's different...almost everyone hugs and touches at church, so I feel like it's more natural).


Some girls will act stiff and afraid while others will touch your arm, put their hand on your shoulder, pat your head...I have done those things and I'm pretty shy. It just really depends on the context...and how much experience she has. After having been with someone for 7 years, I'm much more open....before him, I was very closed. So I imagine the more experienced she is, the more she'll touch you. But if she tends to be new to dating, she might hold back more.

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Southern puts it best. It's not that confusing. It only just works one way, and like everything else isn't flawless so all part of the complete set of signs.


A shy guy/girl aren't going to touch or flirt from liking the person, it's if they know "THEY" (the other person) likes them.


Im confused on what your saying the know they like them?

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If a girl isnt shy, then yes touching is a big plus.


But I am kind of shy and I definitely would not do any touching- I am not a touchy person by any means. And I'm not an initiator!

Basically if I am interested in someone I do absolutely the wrong opposite thing- like avoid eye contact and be awkward. haha. And If I'm not interested then I am perfectly fine with touching of chatting away. strange

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Touching doesn't necessarily mean she is interested but it certainly is a great sign.Don't assume a woman is interested because she touches you,just be aware of it and watch for other signs/clues.I would guess shy men/women need very obvious clues to show them that you are interested in them.If you are waiting for a shy woman to initiate things ,it might be a long wait.

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