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OK so when my boy friend and i have sex after it i feel a little light headed a little dizzy even at times im assuming it from all the "work" lol the shortest time we have evr had sex was and hour and a hafe and we didnt ever really "finnish" we had to go some where so yea im just wondering mabe its all the blood rushing thru my vains or some thing any one got any clue?!?!?!?!!?

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not really an expert on "medical" things lol.. but I get that feeling all the time. During sex you go through so many things.. whether it's physical or mental.. and being light headed is just one of those things that come with it. I honestly think it's kinda cool.. haha. But, no worries!

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It happens to me aswell, not all the time.. but 95% of the time. I think its sorta like whne ur running or something intense like that and u stop really quick then u get alittle dizzy, so to help it ease abit jus make sure u lay down for atleast a few minutes afterwards and if u have to get up do it slowly, not really quick..

I also found i felt like crying after having an orgasm lol not always but it happen abit.. and i thought i was weird but i found out its cos during those few seconds or whatever u lose control.. physcally and mentally so anything ur worrying about..money, family or even something that happened ages ago like when u were little or a fight with a friend or something can surface and u get emotional.. even if u arent sure why ur feeling like that.. cos its deep down and it was let out for a few seconds.. weird hey

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