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Freaking out a bit.

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My ex just called me


I didn't pick up... but part of me wants to call him back. I don't know why he called, probably to ask why I'm ignoring him but I have such a bad feeling in me!


He usually texts after he calls too, but he hasn't. I'm doing the right thing by NOT answering him.. right?

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I don't think there's anything he can say anymore, really. He's said he was sorry for hurting me, he didn't mean to fall for someone else, he still cares about me, always will, etc. What's left you know? That's how I'm looking at it.


Of course hearing him say that jumping into someone else's arms right away was a mistake, would be nice too. But I don't expect it.

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Leighton: My ex never messed around, but having said that he has serious issues... which are probably worse than infidelity... I still think you have to make him think about the reprecussions he has caused and that he may lose you.


Honestly you are worth more than that.



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Well now I know why it feels so crappy to break NC.


I called him. To see what he wanted. He said he hadn't heard from me in a while and wanted to see how I was. We had a decent conversation up until I asked him how his new girlfriend was. I asked if they were dating and he said "they were talking".


Then we argued. I said he had no compassion for me for what he was doing. He said he did, but for once he was putting his feelings ahead of mine. I told him to never contact me again.


If he ever does contact me again, I know not to break NC. Lesson learned.

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