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Is she doing the no contact to me?

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Me and my ex split in march, we have spoke off and on, we split because she wasnt ready for a relationship and needed time to herself. She wont even talk to me now, its not as if were enemies but we are good friends, she replied to an email i sent her but doesnt really to an instant message i send her online. She has her exams coming up soon, and I wished her well on them via the email, thats when i got a responce out of her, which i never get from her no matter what i say. Im thinking, is she doing the no contact to me, to keep focused on her exams because she might think that if she lets me back into her life she might fail. Thats the only reason shes not letting me back in her life I can only think, could use some views, I made her soo happy nothing was wrong it was only her. She talks abhout me to my friend sometimes when she sees him, she said she did like me, any ideas?

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I dont think its a case she dont want to talk to me anymore, and she wont tell me the actual problem, shes never said a bad thing to me or abuot me. This happened before and i managed to get us talking again, but its been a while since we broke, any ideaS?

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I really honestly believe that she is just trying to concentrate on her studies and doesnt want to be distracted by any emotions right now. This is what my ex is doing. She is so stressed with school and other stuff that her ex boyfriend is the least of her problems. Wait until after finals then give her a call and see how shes doing when her stress level is down.

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Yeah...she's probably just stressed with school...my ex and I talk fairly frequently, but haven't in the last couple weeks because she's in finals and it's hella stressful and dealing with an ex (whether on friendly terms or not) is not in their best interest at this point...

wait it out until after she's done and then deal with it if nothing changes.

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